RW blogger: Americans Muslims busy “banging camels”

If the controversy surrounding the New York City Islamic Center has done any good, it's this: It has removed any doubt about how conservative, right-wing partisans in American view Muslims, especially the far-right blogosphere, which now proudly wallows in anti-Muslim hatred and raging anti-Arab bigotry.

It's probably best that we understand the guttural hatred that drives corners of the conservative movement so as to appreciate the motivation regarding the downtown Islamic Center. (i.e. It has nothing to do with offending 9/11 sensibilities.)

This week, Obama issued a proclamation marking the beginning of the Muslim holy month, Ramadan. And in that statement he mentioned, “Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country.”

Thtat was too much of iOwnTheWorld (last seen here botching the Journolist story) [emphasis added]:

And a bunch of you assholes took down the World Trade Center. Listen, you're pissing me off. Muslims have not contributed anything of significance to America, unless you want to count cab driving, gas stations, convenience stores, body odor and terrorism.

Specifically, the site mocked the historical notion that Hajj Ali experimented with breeding and raising camels in the deserts of Arizona:

Banging camels doesn't make you a scientist who's experimenting with breeding.

Keep in classy guys.