UPDATED: Does Gallup read its own polling results?

I realize this is now entering pet peeve territory, but it's annoying to me nonetheless. And more importantly, by being so consistently imprecise on this matter, Gallup helps perpetuate, I think, the larger media myth about Obama's supposedly soft job approval numbers.

Here's Gallup this week [emphasis added]:

More broadly, Obama's 50% approval average among all Americans for the week ending May 9 continues an extended run of stable ratings for him. Since mid-November, Obama's approval ratings have narrowly ranged between 47% and 51%.

As I've stated before, the point Gallup makes is here is technically accurate: Obama's approval rating has remained steady since mid-November. But here's what's also true, and which Gallup steadfastly refuses to publicize: Obama's approval rating has remained basically steady since late August.

So why doesn't Gallup spell that out? Why does Gallup routinely report that Obama's been at nearly 50 percent since November, when in truth he's been holding steady right around there for more than 35 weeks now?