What passes for media criticism from the Right

Over at Newsbusters, Erin Brown writes:

MSNBC's Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd trivialized the death of Terry Schiavo by suggesting the fight over Schiavo's life was the demise of the Republican party.


Conventional wisdom may contend that the Republican Party became too conservative for its own good, and that the fight over Schiavo's life was the quintessential example to prove that point. However, even if the fight over Schiavo's life was indeed the point at which people turned from the party that had become too conservative, at least the party went down fighting for something it believed in: the value of human life.

The death of 41 year-old Terry Schiavo was a controversy that gripped the nation for weeks because the battle between her family members to end her life peacefully, or keep her on life support was a difficult one to watch. For Todd to equate the continuing saga over bank bailouts with the life and painful death of a woman is certainly in poor taste.

So, the Republicans politicized the Schiavo situation and meddled in a private family matter, and it blew up in their faces, but pointing out that it blew up in their faces is “in poor taste”? Yeah, that makes sense...