On April 5, Media Matters for America hosted an all-star panel discussion on progressive voices and the media. The forum, held at The George Washington University's School of Media and Public Affairs in conjunction with Air America Radio's second anniversary, addressed questions about balance in news coverage and what consumers of news can do to ensure accurate and reliable reporting. The panelists highlighted -- and proposed solutions to -- the narrow spectrum of opinion represented in the media, from which liberal and progressive voices are often excluded.
The event -- “Why Media Matters: Progressive Voices and the Media” -- featured David Brock, Media Matters president and CEO; Eleanor Clift, Newsweek contributing editor; Al Franken, host of Air America Radio's The Al Franken Show; and Helen Thomas, Hearst Newspapers syndicated columnist.
Media Matters' long-term studies have shown that many news programs on both broadcast and cable television feature conservative guests in significantly greater numbers than progressives. The Sunday-morning talk shows, such as ABC's This Week, NBC's Meet the Press, and CBS' Face the Nation, as well as cable news shows such as CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight and MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, are prime examples of the imbalance.
You can watch the video highlights in chapters:
1. David Brock discusses Media Matters and changes in the press.
2. Al Franken explains why he covers the right-wing media and Iraq war distortions.
3. Eleanor Clift speaks about how progressives are making inroads in the media.
4. Helen Thomas discusses media malpractice since 9-11.
5. The panelists talk about how the right pressures the mainstream media.
6. An audience member asks: “Which lies have been the most harmful?”
7. Eleanor Clift and Helen Thomas discuss increased government secrecy.
8. Eleanor Clift, Helen Thomas, and Al Franken answer question about where we go from here.