Fox News host Mark Levin calls on Republicans to launch an investigation of the January 6 committee
Levin: “I wanna know if any of them have been exposed to lawsuits ... How many people in the media will find their emails and text messages have been gathered by this committee? How many of us?”
Fox News host Mark Levin calls on Republicans to launch an investigation of the January 6 committee

MARK LEVIN (HOST): When this is said and done, and God willing the Republicans take over the House, I want to know exactly how this committee conducted itself. I wanna know exactly how this staff conducted themselves. And I wanna know if any of them have been exposed to lawsuits, or can be. Any of them who violated anybody's civil, due process, and yes, human rights. Because we must confront this.
How many people in the media will find their emails and text messages have been gathered by this committee? How many of us? As if we were involved in the January 6 organizing of the protest, or attending the protest, or proposing violence in the protest?
You're not allowed to raise objections if you're targeted as a potential witness. You're not allowed to raise objections to them getting your documents, your emails, your texts. You're not allowed to assert certain common privileges, attorney-client privilege, confidentiality. Then you're thrown to Merrick Garland and his grand jury. Will you be charged, or won't you be charged with a crime? Will you be imprisoned as a result of what this committee is doing?