Fox's Mark Levin calls for Donald Trump “to use the Insurrection Act”
Levin: “The Insurrection Act has been used many times before and for a lot reasons less severe than this”
Fox's Mark Levin calls for Donald Trump "to use the Insurrection Act"

From the September 15, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Recall that in June, acting Defense Secretary Mark Esper publicly warned Trump against invoking the Insurrection Act, against the riots, spread across the country. That would let Trump use military troops to quell the violence. Esper's remarks implied that Trump, the nation's commander-in-chief, might find his legal orders ignored by an unwilling military, which would be a shocking disgrace. Because the Insurrection Act has been used many times before and for a lot reasons less severe than this.
And let me make a suggestion: should Donald Trump get reelected, God willing, he needs to fire this Secretary of Defense. This Secretary of Defense doesn't get to dictate to the commander-in-chief. And no, it's not illegal, it's not unconstitutional, it's not unethical, it's not immoral for the President to use the Insurrection Act to put down insurrections. Other presidents have done exactly the same thing. And if what you see in the cities isn't an insurrection, I don't know what the hell is. These are Marxist, anarchist groups. And if they plan to continue what they're doing in even worse form, multiply by five or ten, they need to be put down. Are you hearing me Media Matters? Mediaite? Yes, we need to retain a civil society and a republic.