Fox's Mark Levin: “Mike Pence stands with” an “assault on our democratic system a thousand times worse than January 6th”
Fox's Mark Levin: "Mike Pence stands with" an "assault on our democratic system a thousand times worse than January 6th"

From the August 2, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): So Mike Pence agrees that a 150-year-old statute that was written to try and abolish the Klan was a good use of a criminal charge against Donald Trump.
Now Mike Pence and Chris Christie and somebody by the name of Will Hurd and Asa Hutchison stand with Jack Smith.
They stand with a prosecutor appointed by the attorney general of the United States, who has a record of abusing the law and abusing authority. That's who Mike Pence stands with. That's who Chris Christie stands with. That's who Will Hurd, whatever his name is, stands with. That's who Asa Hutchinson stands with.
This is an assault on our democratic system a thousand times worse than January 6th.
It has the imprimatur of official government action, with one party using a phony special prosecutor who has essentially reconstructed his office into an old prosecutor's office under the Democrat Party, under Eric Holder, under Jim Comey. And they call it special counsel.
Mike Pence is more animated than I've ever seen him. Why? Because he's desperate. He may not even show up on the debate stage because nobody's supporting him. But he's desperate. He's showing a side of him that most of us never saw before. He's got a little elf whispering in his ear, Marc Short, who rode the coattails of Donald Trump into the White House while he was sabotaging him.
As for these lawyers who Mike Pence trashes because he embraces the likes of Michael Luttig. I ask Mike Pence, I ask Michael Luttig, I ask all the lawyers, on what basis can you say what the vice president's powers are or are not? In the United States Constitution or in James Madison's notes. Spit it out. I'm waiting to hear. Not what you think. But what is in fact. The Constitution. And the answer is nobody knows. Because it was never discussed. That's the answer. Well, Mark, you know, there was a statute – I don't want to hear any more from the former federal prosecutors. They've been wrong enough.