Fox's Mark Levin: “Ron DeSantis, he's not on our favorite cable network that much. Who's pushing him? Nobody.”
Fox's Mark Levin: "Ron DeSantis, he's not on our favorite cable network that much. Who's pushing him? Nobody."

From the August 18, 2023, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Where does Vivek stand on right to life? Where does he stand on right to work? I'm serious. Let's go through a bunch of other issues too. Where does he stand on -- let's pick some other issues. Let's talk about this. What does he think about the flat tax? Or an across the board income tax, let's say 10 percent? Where does he stand on Convention of States? What did he do to support the Tea Party movement in his community, if anything? I mean, if you wanna run for president you gotta have done something, right? You can't just wake up one morning -- or, I suppose you can, I'm gonna run for president. I'm just curious.
So all these interviews -- honest to God, if you watch cable TV, it'll give you a feel for who's pushing what. Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie appear everywhere on our favorite cable network and on the other cable networks. Now, when it comes to a guy like Ron DeSantis, he's not on our favorite cable network that much. Who's pushing him? Nobody. Certainly not the more newsworthy platforms.