Fox's Mark Levin says Black Lives Matter protesters use “spears” as weapons
Levin: Parents disrupting local school boards don't “come to board meetings armed with weapons and Molotov cocktails -- and spears, like Black Lives Matter”
Fox's Mark Levin says Black Lives Matter protesters use “spears” as weapons

From the October 6, 2021, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
MARK LEVIN (HOST): The federalization of our school boards and our school board meetings in our school districts must not be tolerated, particularly in the hands of this mob.
And what's amazing here is the parents and the taxpayers have shown that they are peaceful. They've had enormous tolerance for the abuse of their tax dollars and their children.
They do not come to board meetings armed with weapons and Molotov cocktails -- and spears, like Black Lives Matter.
They do not come to board meetings looking to hit people or commit acts of violence. And Merrick Garland, would have a hell of a time demonstrating otherwise. 14,000 school districts, where are the examples of violence?
I wonder how many examples of violence exist for those promoting critical race theory. We don't hear much about that, does that mean it's not happening?
Or other radical organizations. No, it's the parents are the enemy. The taxpayers are the enemy. They want to treat every legitimate constitutional protest as if this is part of the January 6th activity that took place.