Fox guest: CPAC will be a healing moment for Republicans who were “emotional” when Trump was “silenced”

Matt Schlapp: “There's something very emotional about having your president get silenced, get shut down, have his Twitter account and everything else shut down”


From the February 26, 2021, edition of Fox News' Hannity

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): This is an important year, and I think this speech just coming at a very pivotal moment, especially now Mitch McConnell's comments, other Republican comments -- the Democrats seem more divided. The Republicans seem to now be coalescing together. 

MATT SCHLAPP (AMERICAN CONSERATIVE UNION CHAIRMAN): Yeah, I think that's right, Sean, if that's aimed for me. And let me tell you, we are mad at you that you're not here only because we love it when you are here. And -- But I have to say that Fox is doing a great job of covering it. And I think this is an important moment, I think David would agree, conservatives and Republicans don't really emote too much. We're more like logical thinkers.

But there's something very emotional about having your president get silenced, get shut down, have his Twitter account and everything else shut down. And then the -- the way the election ended was just, it was really upsetting to these people and they really -- it's jarring to see this socialist policy just coming at them every day.

The fact that the president is going to come and reconnect with the people who love him so much on this stage, I think it's going to be a very, very important moment for actually healing amongst the conservative side of all of this. But I think for the country generally, no one's voice should be silenced and definitely not a president of the United States.