Daily Wire's Matt Walsh: “Everything that makes your life safer, more comfortable, more enjoyable was given to you by a white man”

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From the March 3, 2025, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show

MATT WALSH (HOST): Women are allowed, in fact, encouraged to be proud of the fact that they're women. Black people certainly can be proud of the fact that they're Black people. Asians, Hispanics, gay people — every demographic group you can name can and should be proud of their membership in that group except white men. The only feelings that white men are permitted to feel about their group identity are remorse, shame, and disgust. That's been the the rule in our society for many years. What startles Joanne Lipman is that some white men are not following that rule. I'm certainly not. I am proud to be a white man. I think that if anyone's writing an article singling out white men, it should be to thank us. After all, as I said recently, this country could not exist without white men. Nearly every good thing you have in your life — everything that makes your life safer, more comfortable, more enjoyable — was given to you by a white man. The vast majority of the greatest pioneers, inventors, thinkers, leaders in the history of Western civilization have been white men. White men have been by far and away the main ones to fight our wars, achieve every political and scientific advancement, build basically every aspect of our society. Without white men, you would not have airplanes, you would not have phones, you would not have air conditioning, you wouldn't have cars, computers, trains, modern medicine, microscopes, elevators, X-ray machines, calculus, the periodic table, rocket ships, rocket science, democracy, the abolition of slavery, and I could go on and on and on. 

Now you might point out that these things were achieved not by white men collectively, but by specific white male individuals. Just because I'm a white guy doesn't mean I get to take credit for the fact that, you know, air conditioning exists. And that's true, of course, in a literal sense. But if it makes no sense to lump white men together when discussing these accomplishments, if it makes no sense to give us all credit for what specific white men have done, then why does it make sense to lump us all together for the sake of lecturing and scolding us? You cannot have it both ways. Like, let me see if I have this right, as a white man, I get no credit for the good white men have done, but I do share the blame for the bad. Is that how it works? Well, well, yes. That is how they want it to work. And yet again, this is a rule that does not apply to any other group.