Matt Walsh responds to recently reported Trump comments: “Any intelligent person knows this is BS”

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Citation From the October 23, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Matt Walsh Show

MATT WALSH (HOST): Now, some of the alleged witnesses of these alleged comments have come out publicly now and denied that Trump ever said it, and we'll get to that in a minute — ever said this thing about, you know, bearing an f-ing Mexican. But even without those denials, any intelligent person knows this is BS. OK? Nobody would say what Trump is claimed to have said here. Once again, Trump's enemies hate him so much that they can't even make up plausible lies about him.

Like, if you wanted to make up a more plausible lie, maybe you would claim that Trump offered to pay for the funeral expenses, but then later expressed dismay about how expensive it was and, you know, made some kind of comment about how the funeral industry rips people off. Now, I don't think that he would say that or did say that, but, you know, it's slightly more — like, it doesn't go the extra mile to make it outlandish. And it wouldn't be any kind of scandal if he did say that. But they go, you know, they go much further than that, and instead, they claim that it does — he said that it doesn't cost that much to bury an f-ing Mexican. Which is the kind of comment that a bad fiction writer would have their villain say.

And these corporate media journalists are bad fiction writers and Trump is their villain. And so this is the kind of dialogue you get from these people.

And it doesn't even make any sense. Like, what does her being Hispanic have to do with the funeral cost? Like, are we supposed to believe that Trump thought that funeral costs are staggered depending on the ethnicity of the people involved?

And again, these people hate Trump so much that they can't think clearly enough to make the lie more plausible. Like, they didn't even claim that it was — like they could have claimed that he said, oh, it doesn't cost that much to f-ing bury someone. Again, I wouldn't buy that either, but, like, that's more plausible than bury an f-ing Mexican. Like, who would why would he say that? It doesn't even make any sense. It's just it's totally asinine.