Daily Wire host claims trans Star Wars character proves discredited social contagion theory

Michael Knowles: “Star Wars, wittingly or unwittingly, is admitting that transgenderism is not biological"

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Citation From the October 11, 2024 edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show

MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): There's a story I have to get to, really important story, and I've promised my nerd associate producer that I would get to it, because people are drawing all the wrong conclusions from this.

Star Wars apparently still exists. You thought that Disney had just taken this popular franchise out in the backyard like Old Yeller and put a bullet in his head. But no, it's still limping on.

Star Wars has just transed a clone trooper. What is a clone trooper? I had to ask Professor Jacob about this, and he gave me his apparently expensive model clone trooper helmet. It's different than a storm trooper, which are in the original movies, but it looks kind of like the storm trooper. But the difference — I'm going to put this nerd relic down here — the difference is the clone trooper in the in the lore all descend from one person. It's clones of this guy, Jango Fett, whose son, Boba Fett is like a bounty hunter, I don't know, whatever.

So this is, this is important to transing a character, because they're all genetically exactly the same, all of these clone troopers. So how is it the case that in this new book, which is a canon book, it's not just fanfiction, it's a canon book; Star Wars: The Secrets of the Clone Troopers. It is revealed that there's this trans clone trooper.

Captain Rex describes the trans clone this way, "But when one of our kind expressed her gender identity differently than her fellow troopers, she feared she'd have to hide who she truly was inside. Fortunately, her brothers in the Seven Sky Court gave her the name Sister as a constant reminder that she belonged."

Okay, so it's silly to inject this modern gender ideology in a galaxy far, far away, but, but Star Wars is just, you know, it's a myth, right? And myths tell us something, not just about a distant past that may or may not have literally existed, but they tell us about our own times. That's what they — what they're for. So Professor Jacob, my nerd producer, observed, it's kind of silly that the this clone trooper has the trans flag on [her] helmet, because it's a galaxy far, far away, a long, long time ago, and so how do they have the exact same trans colors as we have now? That's the least of it.

Guys. This is actually kind of based. This is actually pretty right wing, because by transing a clone, Star Wars, wittingly or unwittingly, is admitting that transgenderism is not biological. Star Wars is admitting that transgenderism is a social phenomenon. It's a product of environment and a defect of the will, but it's not biological.

If Star Wars had trans any other character in the entire universe, they would have been preserving pretty much all of the transgender ideology. By transing a clone, a character that is biologically, of necessity, identical to all the other clone troopers, Star Wars is asserting that transgenderism is not biological, is not natural, is not innate, is not — that transgenderism is a social fad and a social phenomenon brought about by environmental factors and the individual will.

And I totally agree. Accidentally, sometimes artists tell the truth even when they when they're trying not to.