Daily Wire host complains about a marriage proposal at the Olympics: “We all have an intuition that it's wrong for a woman to propose to a man”

Michael Knowles: “A lot of gender bending going on at the 2024 Olympics. Lot of weird decadent kinda stuff from the opening ceremonies through the boxing now into the marriage proposal at the races.”


From the August 8, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show

MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Speaking of women taking jobs from men, a woman has proposed to a man after she ran a race at the Olympics. This clip has gone viral. A lovely-looking gal runs off the track and then pulls a ring — I assume it's a — I don't know. Do you propose to a man with a ring? I don't know. I mean, maybe you proposed to a man with a Rolex or a Patek Philippe or something. I don't know what you do. But she pulls out, I guess, a ring and proposes to this man, and then the man accepts the proposal from his girlfriend, and they kiss and they hug.

This is pretty par for the course for the 2024 Olympics. A lot of gender-bending going on at the 2024 Olympics. Lot of weird decadent kinda stuff from the opening ceremonies through the boxing now into the marriage proposal at the races.

So why is this wrong? Because they're gonna be a lot of people out there — I'm not just talking about the libs. I'm talking about the centrists and the moderates and even center-right who say, hey, Michael. What is wrong with that? There's nothing wrong you fuddy duddy, you old-fashioned radical extremist. What is wrong with a man proposing — a woman proposing marriage to a man?

Look, we all know it's a little weird, and we all have an intuition that it's wrong for a woman to propose to a man. We all just kind of know intuitively that a man is supposed to propose marriage to a woman. And you might not be able to articulate the precise reasons why that is, but we all know it intuitively. And many of the people who are going to be criticizing me for raising any questions about this also agree with me, but they just — they don't give themselves permission to admit it because they can't write some perfectly rational treatise about why a dude should propose to chicks and not the other way around. You're going to deny that intuition.

But there are perfectly rational reasons as to why this tradition of men proposing to women has come around.

One would be — men tends to be the less eager party when it comes to getting married. You might say that's wrong and that's bad and that's terrible, but it's true. It goes back to when you were five years old. Not one five-year-old boy in the history of the world has ever dreamt about his wedding day. Most five-year-old girls dream about their wedding day. That's just kinda how we're built. That's how we're wired. You might complain about that. Libs complain about these things. Libs complain about nature and reality a lot and they're discontented with it, and they try to revolutionize it and upend reality. But that's — it just — it just do be like that. OK?

Men are the less eager party when it comes to getting married, so men are the ones who take the initiative when it comes to getting married. So, OK, we're the ones who have to get over this hump of maybe not wanting to commit and get married, so we're gonna be the ones to propose.

Another one, men are taking more of a financial risk generally because men tend — not all the time. These days it's less common, but men often are the breadwinners so they're taking more of a financial risk here so they're the one proposing.

Furthermore, forget about who's the breadwinner. Men are taking upon themselves by proposing the emotional risk. As you get a man on his knees and proposes, and sometimes the woman says, nah. Sorry. No thanks. There's a clip from, I think it was UFC or one of the pro-fighting leagues where a fighter proposed to his girlfriend right after the fight, and she said no. And he was just devastated. He's so broken down about it, but a man takes that risk, and it's OK. Whereas if a woman — could you imagine how sad that would be? A woman comes to you. She proposes marriage and you say, no. And then you have to watch this woman just bawling and crying and humiliated and embarrassed. No. Men take that risk on.