Daily Wire's Michael Knowles claims same-sex couples are not fit to raise a child

Knowles: LGBTQ couples are “pretending that they're a married couple”

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Citation From the September 25, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show

MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): In 2022, according to this reporting, Amy Wax commented in class that gay couples are not fit to raise children. That's just obviously true. Does anyone seriously disagree with that? I guess some people do seriously disagree with that. People who think that men and women are exactly the same might try to disagree with that. I mean, on a basic level, they can't disagree because two men and two women can't produce children. It's not possible. Just not how it works, so they are literally not fit to beget, and therefore to raise children. But broadly, even if they adopt a child or even if they go to the baby store and purchase the eggs from one woman and rent the womb of another woman and create a child as though the child were a handbag to be purchased at Ferragamo or something -- even if they do that, they're not fit to raise a child.

In order to say that homosexual couples are fit to raise a child, you would have to believe that either men or women contribute nothing to the raising of a child. Do you think that? Which one is it? Which one do you think — for the libs who are certainly clipping this out for their activist groups right now, for the Kamala Harris campaign, or whichever other groups are clipping this out right now, let me ask you a question — which is it? Are men totally useless in raising children? Or is it the women who are totally useless in raising children? Because my view, the traditional view, is that children are best raised by a mother and a father united in holy matrimony. That dads have something to contribute, and moms have something to contribute. The people who support homosexuals purchasing children and raising them by pretending that they're a married couple or something, they necessarily are holding that women or men contribute nothing to the raising of children. So which is it? They probably won't give you an answer to that.

As Media Matters has reported, Donald Trump's presidential campaign is touting the support of Daily Wire host Michael Knowles:

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is touting support from one of the most vitriolic critics of IVF in the country: Michael Knowles.

The Daily Wire host has said that in vitro fertilization is a “crime,” “evil,” and “immoral." After the Alabama Supreme Court ruled against IVF, he even suggested that IVF doctors should be the target of prosecutions if they continue their work.

The Trump campaign issued a September 4 press release announcing the formation of “Catholics for Trump,” which it called “a coalition committed to safeguarding the vital principles of religious liberty and defending family values that President Donald J. Trump has ardently championed."