Michael Savage attacks “evil” Bernie Sanders' Jewishness, says Sanders is racist at the core and fears white people
Michael Savage attacks “evil” Bernie Sanders' Jewishness, says Sanders is racist at the core and fears white people

From the February 18, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Savage Nation
MICHAEL SAVAGE (HOST): Bernie Sanders is a communist, a lifetime communist, and he denied he was Jewish in the beginning. He said he has no religious identity, he said although he was born Jewish, he isn't Jewish, that was his official position for all the years he was running as a communist, and the Jews like that that I knew in New York spit on their own Bible. They mock the men in black, they mock religion, they mock the Ten Commandments, they say that Karl Marx was right when he said that religion is the opiate of the masses, and now all of a sudden, you won't believe this, all of a sudden, Bernie Sanders, the jaded, cynical communist, discovers he's Jewish. And he hires a guy to be a Jewish outreach director, and this Jewish outreach director is Joel Rubin, never heard of him, is all of a sudden is declaring Bernie's a proud Jew.
SAVAGE: These are left-wing socialist Jew -- shut up. Shut up, boy. Shut up, boy. Shut up. I know these types. I know this type. They are the types that pollute synagogues with their communism. They're the types that drove children out of the synagogues with their lies. You have no idea what I know about this type. And to say that Bernie Sanders represents the values of Judaism, as a communist, is so dangerous for Jewish people in the world right now that only a person who is disconnected from reality could say a thing like this.
And then he goes on and adds further, to alienate white men -- something you have to understand about Bernie, not only is he Jewish, which he now suddenly discovered works for him, he thinks, not only is he a communist while denying it and saying he's some kind of socialist, but he has -- I don't know how to put it to you in anything other than in a direct manner, and as you know, Savage tends to speak directly to his audience, it's very difficult for me to mince words.
There's a thing among certain Jews with a fear or a hatred for white people behind the scenes. A certain type uses the word “goyim" and “goy." It's a derogatory word, it's like the word “cracker" that some, let us say, uneducated Blacks would use, to use the word “cracker" about white people. But even worse, it's something along the lines of “haole," that the Hawaiians would use with derision about white people behind their backs, like “there goes" or “that haole says this." Or the Mexicans use the word “gringo" all the time, a derogatory phrase, “gringo," “gringa." It's certainly not a salutary comment about white people or Americans who are not of Mexican descent. When they want to talk about white people behind their backs, they call them “gringos" or “gringas." Is there a Mexican listening in the audience who can tell me what the word actually means and what it derives from? If not, I'll tell you what it derives from.
But the Jewish people, like Bernie Sanders, who are racist at their core and fear white people or hate white people, have a word called “goyim" or “goy." It's a horrible word, it's made my skin crawl since I was a child, it's what made me run from New York was this type.
SAVAGE: I want you to listen to what this evil degenerate is saying. Listen to what this evil, degenerate communist is saying. “If there's any people on earth who should do everything humanly possible to fight against Trump's effort to divide us up by the color of our skin" -- this is while he's attacking white people. While he is using the color of the skin of white people to denigrate the white race -- which, by the way, it was the white race that opened up the doors of the concentration camps. It was Eddie who kicked in the doors of Auschwitz. It was Eddie who landed on the beaches of Norway. It was Eddie who fought white racism, and to have a man like this come along and so denigrate white people like this, when it was Eddie who saved the Jews from the concentration camps, is not only sickening but it's deadly dangerous.