Michael Savage: San Francisco under shelter-in-place order due in part to its “immune-compromised HIV population” Savage also blamed the city's COVID-19 precautions on Chinese and homeless populations Written by Media Matters Staff Published 03/19/20 11:47 AM EDT Michael Savage: San Francisco under shelter-in-place order due in part to its "immune-compromised HIV population" March 18, 2020 Audio file Citation From the March 18, 2020, edition of Westwood One's The Savage Nation Podcast MICHAEL SAVAGE (HOST): Why is San Fran in lockdown? Well I posited an answer on Twitter the other night and about five thousand of you liked it. I said, why is San Fran area in lockdown? Three principal reasons. One: Largest or one of the largest Chinese populations outside of China. Many are undocumented, may have recently traveled there. Chinese friend of mine agreed with me, a doctor. He said, 'Yes, we don't know who's there because they go back and forth.' Two: Huge homeless population which all of the vermin now telling us to stay home wouldn't address. How long have I told you the homeless population needs to be taken off the streets? How many weeks have I said that to you? Three: Immune-compromised HIV population. Am I wrong as to why the Bay Area is in such a scared lockdown state? Well no, I'm not wrong. I think I'm right.