On the October 29 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Michael Savage played the song “Everybody's Dixie” by recording artist Bobby Horton, and said: “Yee-haw! This is the America -- this is the America that those Islamic-fascist, robe-wearing, throwback bums have never seen!” Savage repeatedly said, “Let's bring it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now!,” and then demanded, “Get every hunter in America armed to the teeth!” He continued: “Throwback bastards! I'm so sick of them! I'm so sick of the brainwashing about Islam and Muslims and the Koran! Shove it! Shove it all! I'm sick of it!”
After he turned off the music, Savage criticized the media's coverage of Islam, saying, “I have never lived through a brainwashing like I've lived through for the last five years. Every day, another story sweet-selling Islam and the Koran.” Savage also said: “Page after page after page is about religion -- a religion that teaches convert or kill. A religion that says oppress women, kill homosexuals, kill the Jew, kill the Christian, kill the infidel.”
From the October 29 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:
SAVAGE: Yee-haw! This is the America -- this is the America that those Islamic-fascist, robe-wearing, throwback bums have never seen! Let's get it on! Let's bring it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Let's get it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Wipe Hezbollah out of America! Cut the tentacles of Iran off! Cut the tentacles of that octopus off now! Get every hunter in America armed to the teeth! Throwback bastards! I'm so sick of them! I'm so sick of the brainwashing about Islam and Muslims and the Koran! Shove it! Shove it all! I'm sick of it!
Take the music off. I have never lived through a brainwashing like I've lived through for the last five years. Every day, another story sweet-selling Islam and the Koran. It goes in the face, it's so counter-intuitive. Wherever you look on the Earth, there's a bomb going off or a car going up in flames, and it's Muslims screaming for the blood of Christians, or Jews, or anyone they hate. And every day we're told the opposite here.
Everything we know to be true, we're told, “Oh, don't believe what your mind tells you, believe what the diversity trainers tell you. Believe what the government tells you. It's a religion of peace.” Well why don't they prove it's a religion of peace? Why don't they put down their hateful little book for a few minutes, and tell us why, when we pick up their hateful little book -- I can read chapter and verse, I can see what it says, in their book of hate.
It says that if you see a stranger, who is not a Muslim, either convert him or kill him. You want me to quote the Sutra? I'll quote the Sutra! Page after page after page is about religion -- a religion that teaches convert or kill. A religion that says oppress women, kill homosexuals, kill the Jew, kill the Christian, kill the infidel.
Page after page after page, and we're supposed to sit here and listen to this rubbish about a religion of peace, and every day Bush brings in thousands of more of these throwbacks -- throwbacks wearing medieval costumes, walking around, spitting on the ground every time they see a Christian, or a Jew, or a so-called infidel. These throwbacks think they're better than you underneath it all, and 90 percent of them are on welfare. Ninety percent of them come in here, and all they do is breed more bombers. More bombers, and more bombers! And you're telling me this is a sane country? There, I gave it to you from the bottom of my heart. If you don't like it, it's too damn bad. Go write the FCC. Marlene in Los Angeles, you're on The Savage Nation.