Savage on Powell endorsement: “The only people who don't seem to vote based on race are whites of European origin”

On his radio show, Michael Savage said, “Do you think Colin Powell came out for BO [Sen. Barack Obama] because of his race? Duh.” He later added: "[F]orgive me for being so blunt -- but it seems to Michael Savage that the only people who don't seem to vote based on race are white people of European origin."

During the October 20 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage said, “Do you think Colin Powell came out for BO [Sen. Barack Obama] because of his race? Duh.” He later added: "[F]orgive me for being so blunt -- but it seems to Michael Savage that the only people who don't seem to vote based on race are white people of European origin."

Savage later said: “Why are white people of European origin the only people who don't seem to vote based on race? Is it because they're more tolerant? Is it because whites of European origin are more accepting and more tolerant of other races? I wonder if they're gonna be that way once they find out that not all -- let's say, not all people love them as much as they may think.”

Talk Radio Network, which syndicates Savage's show, claims that Savage is heard on more than 350 radio stations. The Savage Nation reaches at least 8.25 million listeners each week, according to Talkers Magazine, making it one of the most listened-to talk radio shows in the nation , behind only The Rush Limbaugh Show and The Sean Hannity Show.

From the October 20 broadcast of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: What do you think of Colin Powell coming out, like shock of all shocks, for -- what's his name? -- for BO. Do you think Colin Powell came out for BO because of his race? Duh. You know, I thought about this. It was embarrassing for me to watch Colin Powell lie about Obama, and I thought this -- and forgive me for being so blunt -- but it seems to Michael Savage that the only people who don't seem to vote based on race are white people of European origin. That's an interesting observation.

The only people who don't seem to vote based on race are whites of European origin. Well, why is that? If everyone else votes along racial lines, as they obviously do -- and proudly by the way.


SAVAGE: So my biggest statement is about Powell, which is that the only people who don't seem to vote based on race are white people of European origin. And, you know, that becomes a philosophical question worth talking about. Why are white people of European origin the only people who don't seem to vote based on race? Is it because they're more tolerant? Is it because whites of European origin are more accepting and more tolerant of other races? I wonder if they're gonna be that way once they find out that not all -- let's say, not all people love them as much as they may think.