Savage: “use a bunker-buster bomb” on the U.N.


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On the July 21 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, Michael Savage advocated using a “bunker-buster bomb” on the United Nations building to kill Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he comes to the U.N. After warning “our friends,” Savage argued, the United States should “just take him out with everyone in there.”

From the July 21 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: So the Hitler of our time, a madman, Ahmad the man -- Ahmad the man, the man from Iran, whatever his name is, the little creep, the little Hitler -- I don't know why we don't use a bunker-buster bomb when he comes to the U.N. and just take him out with everyone in there. You know, give our people a warning, and give our friends a warning. I mean, why would you let this man live? Why do you let him live when he says he's gonna kill you?