Michelle Malkin Conservative blogger, political commentator, and founder of conservative websites Twitchy and Hot Air, known for her hostility toward immigration and her support for the Japanese internment camps in World War II. Featured Michelle Malkin: “Migrant invasions” are “coordinated globally” by “menaces inside and outside of our country” Video & Audio 12/17/18 10:08 PM EST Michelle Malkin: “The future is female” is “an anti-male, grievance-wallowing dog whistle” phrase Video & Audio 12/06/18 8:18 AM EST Hannity guest Michelle Malkin says having a high “foreign-born” population is “existential suicide” for America Video & Audio 09/09/19 5:31 PM EDT The Latest Michelle Malkin vs. Gawker Article 09/18/08 9:18 AM EDT Michelle Malkin and the warbloggers get everything wrong -- again Article 04/23/08 12:51 PM EDT Malkin touts exposure of Clinton Asian-American donors who she says were “smellier than stinky tofu” Video & Audio 10/24/07 2:08 PM EDT Michelle Malkin distorted poll of U.S. Muslims to claim they are “cause for big concern” Article 05/23/07 7:39 PM EDT Malkin, writer of “mean-spirited rantings,” accused Edwards bloggers of “foul-mouthed nutroots diatribes” Article 02/07/07 7:28 PM EST Michelle Malkin's credibility, R.I.P. Article 01/08/07 9:25 PM EST Michelle Malkin fiddles while Baghdad burns Article 12/11/06 7:54 PM EST Malkin called Villaraigosa and Bustamante “Latino supremacists” Video & Audio 03/29/06 12:39 PM EST Malkin not convinced that Bush's video conference with troops was “staged” Article 10/19/05 4:05 PM EDT Michelle Malkin dropped by Virginia paper Article 11/23/04 4:52 PM EST Michelle Malkin's “freakish” mischaracterization Article 11/10/04 2:28 PM EST Michelle Malkin on Women for Kerry: “Get a grip, girls. You are an embarrassment to a nation at war” Article 10/20/04 2:16 PM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Next page Next ›
Michelle Malkin: “Migrant invasions” are “coordinated globally” by “menaces inside and outside of our country” Video & Audio 12/17/18 10:08 PM EST
Michelle Malkin: “The future is female” is “an anti-male, grievance-wallowing dog whistle” phrase Video & Audio 12/06/18 8:18 AM EST
Hannity guest Michelle Malkin says having a high “foreign-born” population is “existential suicide” for America Video & Audio 09/09/19 5:31 PM EDT
Malkin touts exposure of Clinton Asian-American donors who she says were “smellier than stinky tofu” Video & Audio 10/24/07 2:08 PM EDT
Michelle Malkin distorted poll of U.S. Muslims to claim they are “cause for big concern” Article 05/23/07 7:39 PM EDT
Malkin, writer of “mean-spirited rantings,” accused Edwards bloggers of “foul-mouthed nutroots diatribes” Article 02/07/07 7:28 PM EST
Malkin not convinced that Bush's video conference with troops was “staged” Article 10/19/05 4:05 PM EDT
Michelle Malkin on Women for Kerry: “Get a grip, girls. You are an embarrassment to a nation at war” Article 10/20/04 2:16 PM EDT