Miles O'Brien PBS correspondent Miles O’Brien works for PBS as the scientific correspondent for NewsHour and a correspondent for Frontline. He has also worked as a CNN correspondent. Featured CNN compared Gore to Jerry Lewis; Miles O'Brien said Gore “may be the Nutty Professor” Article 12/11/07 3:51 PM EST On CNN, PBS Science Correspondent Slams Media's Ebola Coverage: “I Get Embarrassed For Our Brethren In Journalism” Video & Audio 10/05/14 12:59 PM EDT PBS NewsHour Highlights Scientists Taking To The Streets And Running For Office To Protect Their Work Video & Audio 04/20/17 12:53 PM EDT The Latest Filling in Bush's blanks: The media's pattern of conjuring statements beneficial to the administration Article 04/17/06 2:39 PM EDT Even after Blitzer called McKinney footage “not unusual at all,” CNN continued to air it while ignoring footage of DeLay supporter in altercation Article 04/07/06 6:21 PM EDT CNN's Blitzer awarded Dubai Ports World “first-rate” endorsement on security Article 03/07/06 5:43 PM EST NBC's Williams and Gregory failed to report the significance of Dubai Ports World's government ownership Article 02/24/06 10:09 AM EST Media accused liberals of politicizing King funeral, ignored conservatives' use of Reagan funeral Article 02/09/06 4:01 PM EST CNN meteorologist spouted debunked theory challenging global warming Article 01/25/06 4:34 PM EST ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC failed to challenge Bush's, Bartlett's false assertions that Congress was fully briefed on domestic spying Article 01/24/06 2:24 PM EST Media repeated Gonzales's false claim that Gore speech was “inconsistent” with Clinton administration policies Article 01/17/06 6:47 PM EST CNN anchors wondered: “How dignified could [a filibuster] be?” and “Will [Alito] get the fair vote that the president has been asking for?” Video & Audio 01/09/06 2:55 PM EST CNN adopts GOP “cut and run” line to describe Democratic proposals Article 12/01/05 11:25 AM EST CNN, MSNBC parroted DeLay's allegation that Earle is a “partisan zealot” but failed to note Earle's history of prosecuting Democrats Article 09/29/05 7:58 PM EDT News outlets advance misleading claim that Roberts is a “strict constructionist” Article 07/20/05 6:44 PM EDT Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Next page Next ›
CNN compared Gore to Jerry Lewis; Miles O'Brien said Gore “may be the Nutty Professor” Article 12/11/07 3:51 PM EST
On CNN, PBS Science Correspondent Slams Media's Ebola Coverage: “I Get Embarrassed For Our Brethren In Journalism” Video & Audio 10/05/14 12:59 PM EDT
PBS NewsHour Highlights Scientists Taking To The Streets And Running For Office To Protect Their Work Video & Audio 04/20/17 12:53 PM EDT
Filling in Bush's blanks: The media's pattern of conjuring statements beneficial to the administration Article 04/17/06 2:39 PM EDT
Even after Blitzer called McKinney footage “not unusual at all,” CNN continued to air it while ignoring footage of DeLay supporter in altercation Article 04/07/06 6:21 PM EDT
CNN's Blitzer awarded Dubai Ports World “first-rate” endorsement on security Article 03/07/06 5:43 PM EST
NBC's Williams and Gregory failed to report the significance of Dubai Ports World's government ownership Article 02/24/06 10:09 AM EST
Media accused liberals of politicizing King funeral, ignored conservatives' use of Reagan funeral Article 02/09/06 4:01 PM EST
ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC failed to challenge Bush's, Bartlett's false assertions that Congress was fully briefed on domestic spying Article 01/24/06 2:24 PM EST
Media repeated Gonzales's false claim that Gore speech was “inconsistent” with Clinton administration policies Article 01/17/06 6:47 PM EST
CNN anchors wondered: “How dignified could [a filibuster] be?” and “Will [Alito] get the fair vote that the president has been asking for?” Video & Audio 01/09/06 2:55 PM EST
CNN, MSNBC parroted DeLay's allegation that Earle is a “partisan zealot” but failed to note Earle's history of prosecuting Democrats Article 09/29/05 7:58 PM EDT
News outlets advance misleading claim that Roberts is a “strict constructionist” Article 07/20/05 6:44 PM EDT