Mitt Romney Republican senator for Utah Mitt Romney is a former governor of Massachusetts and was the 2012 Republican nominee for president. In 2018 he was elected as one of Utah’s two senators. Featured “Take It And Shove It”: Conservative Pundits Pan Mitt Romney's Anti-Trump Speech Article 03/03/16 4:57 PM EST Romney's Debate Dishonesty Came Straight From Fox News Article 10/04/12 3:25 PM EDT Fox Continues To Whitewash Romney's “47 Percent” Remarks Article 09/28/12 3:26 PM EDT The Latest Discussing Romney, “Keith and Gail” expressed concerns about a Muslim candidate for president Article 02/15/07 3:26 PM EST Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3
“Take It And Shove It”: Conservative Pundits Pan Mitt Romney's Anti-Trump Speech Article 03/03/16 4:57 PM EST
Discussing Romney, “Keith and Gail” expressed concerns about a Muslim candidate for president Article 02/15/07 3:26 PM EST