DANIEL GOLDMAN (FORMER ASSISTANT U.S. ATTORNEY): I need to apologize for all men for [Sen. Lindsay Graham's comments]. It is shameful the way that he disdainfully dismisses what she so emotionally and emphatically just said. And to claim that you need a location or you need a date to remember a traumatic experience is completely fallacious, and it should never, ever, ever be uttered by anyone. And I don't know how this will play out politically, but Lindsay Graham is trying to set this up as a court of law by talking about presumption of innocence, search warrant, arrest warrant -- all these terms that he's throwing out there, that “How can I believe her if we don't know where it is?” That's not what we're doing here. That's not what the purpose of this is here. And as a man, as I sat there listening to Dr. Ford, I was moved. That was incredibly powerful. You don't have to be a woman. You don't have to be a prosecutor. You can just be a human being to feel her struggle and her difficulty, and for Lindsey Graham to get up there and belittle her right after it and try to make this into some sort of political gamesmanship is disrespectful and a disservice to the process.
CYNTHIA ALKSNE (FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR): Not to mention the fact that he knows better. If a woman goes into a courtroom, any courtroom in the United States of America, and says, “That man attacked me,” that's enough. That's evidence. When the woman says it, it's evidence. Moreover, when it turns out that she's been telling people for ten years, or eight years, or whatever the number is, each of those prior consistent statements is also evidence. So this whole bananas about, oh it's a he said, she said is wrong. It is not a he said, she said. It is -- according to the law, it is a corroborated statement. And if a jury believed her, they could convict him. And Lindsey Graham knows better because he's tried a lot of cases.