Father Of Gun Violence Victim Responds To NRA News Show Criticizing Democratic Sit-In

Andy Parker Slams NRA News Show Comparing Democratic Sit-In Participants To Terrorists

From the June 23 edition of CNN's Newsroom with Carol Costello:

CAROL COSTELLO (HOST): The New York Daily News calling House Speaker Paul Ryan the “NRA's Li'l Lapdog,” but the NRA sees it quite differently. On its radio show, an NRA host compared some Democrats staging the sit-in to terrorists.


COSTELLO: Some might find the name-calling funny, but snarky does not cut it in the real world, not when you've lost a child, a mother, a father, a friend to gun violence. With me now, Andy Parker, whose daughter Allison, a TV reporter was shot and killed during a live report, I'm also joined by Nicole Hockley, who lost her son Dylan in the Sandy Hook massacre.

And just to be clear, Andy and Nicole do not, I repeat, do not want all guns banned. They just want lawmakers to do their jobs. Andy, I'll start with you. Are these lawmakers staging this sit-in terrorists?

ANDY PARKER: I find that comment completely offensive and ridiculous. The real terrorists are the folks at the NRA, those are the terrorists. And unfortunately, you have politicians that are complicit with the -- they pledged allegiance to the NRA, versus the United States of America and the safety of its citizens. And it's -- I have called them treasonous, and I will continue to call them treasonous.

COSTELLO: But Andy, these lawmakers -- at least the lawmakers would say that especially the Orlando shooting is about terror, because this gunman pledged his allegiance to the ISIS leader, and lawmakers should be focusing on terror and not gun control.

PARKER: Well it's -- you know, they go hand in hand, in fact ISIS put out a communique that said America, the United States, it is the easiest place in the world to get a gun, so go get one. And that's exactly what they've done. So when you have these obstructionists like Bob Goodlick, who told me to my face that he would never hold a hearing on any kind of gun legislation, you've got 100 bills sitting there. Between him, Mitch Mcconnell, Mike McCaul and Eddie Munster, I mean, excuse me, Paul Ryan, when you have those people that are obstructionists, to me, if it were up to me, they would be wearing orange jump suits right now. They would be the first in line.


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