Matthews, responding to assessment that Giuliani is “very strong in South Carolina”: “Music to my ears. Because I think that too”

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On the February 5 broadcast of the NBC-syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, host Chris Matthews responded to syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker's assessment that prospective Republican presidential candidate and former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani “has a big following in the South” and is “very strong in South Carolina” by saying, “Music to my ears. Because I think that too.” Parker was responding to a question from Matthews, who declared that Parker “judge[s] a person by their genuineness. Are they really what they say?” and asked, “Can Rudy sell in this religious environment in the South?”

From the February 5 broadcast of the NBC-syndicated The Chris Matthews Show:

MATTHEWS: Kathleen, it's incredible. You -- I've said on this show many a time -- that you judge a person by their genuineness. Are they really what they say? Can Rudy sell in this religious environment in the South?

PARKER: I think he can. Rudy has a big following in the South. He's very strong in South Carolina, for instance. And I've got --

MATTHEWS: Music to my ears. Because I think that too.

PARKER: And I've got something to tell you that's news to me too. I just learned this -- that abortion, the pro-life position, is no longer the litmus test, in South Carolina at least --

MATTHEWS: What is?

PARKER: -- it used to get the crowds -- it's national security.

MATTHEWS: And he's got that.

PARKER: Yes, and he's got it in spades.