David Gregory, to President Bush, April 13, 2004: "One of the biggest criticisms of you is that ... you never admit a mistake. Is that a fair criticism?"
David Gregory, asked what mistakes he has made during his first year as host of Meet the Press: "I don't think we've made mistakes."
Here's a few mistakes Gregory might want to reflect upon for the next time he gets that question:
David Gregory's “coordination” hypocrisy
Gregory lets McConnell mischaracterize CBO analysis of health bill's effect on uninsured
Surprise (for MTP viewers)! Gingrich supports subsidies to his organization's member companies
If newsmaker Rick Warren is your guest, shouldn't you ask him relevant questions?
Gregory allowed 61-detainee falsehood to stand unrebutted on Meet the Press
NBC's David Gregory falsely claimed Social Security will “pay out more than it's taking in by 2010”
Gregory falsely equated Obama remark with McCain's “fundamentals of our economy are strong” comment
David Gregory falsely claims that Obama “said he wanted, on one level,” a “real activist”
NBC's Gregory purported to provide “wider context” for Sotomayor's quote but didn't provide enough