NBC's Gregory misreads Obama/Muslim poll

From David Gregory's recent online blog entry [emphasis added]:

But the issue that is trumping all right now is the proposed Islamic cultural center and mosque near Ground Zero.


What this debate has shed light on is the perception of the president's religious views. A Pew Research Poll shows 18 percent of Americans mispercieve Obama as a Muslim. Among Republicans, that number is 31 percent.

Gregory is quite clear: There's a connection between the mosque issue and the Muslim poll. The “debate” about the proposed Islamic center in New York City has “shed light on the perception of the president's religious views.”

Except that, of course, it has not.

It has not, because as was clearly stated in the Pew Research poll findings, the firm asked respondents about Obama's religion before the mosque debate flared up:

The survey was completed in early August, before Obama's recent comments about the proposed construction of a mosque near the site of the former World Trade Center.

Which means the current mosque “debate” does not shed any light on the issue of Obama's religion. Will it? It's possible. But according to Pew, right now there is no connection.