Coulter: "[T]he safest place for Osama bin Laden" is “in the New York Times building”

In her June 28 nationally syndicated column, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter claimed that according to “liberals' theory of the First Amendment, the safest place for Osama bin Laden isn't in Afghanistan or Pakistan; it's in The New York Times building.”

From Coulter's June 28 column:

But now we're told newspapers have a right to commit treason because of “freedom of the press.” Liberals invoke “freedom of the press” like some talismanic formulation that requires us all to fall prostrate in religious ecstasy. On liberals' theory of the First Amendment, the safest place for Osama bin Laden isn't in Afghanistan or Pakistan; it's in The New York Times building.

Coulter is just one of many conservatives in the media to have lashed out at The New York Times over the paper's June 23 article describing a Bush administration program designed to monitor international financial transactions. Coulter frequently attacks the Times and has claimed that her “only regret” with Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh is that he did not blow up “the New York Times building.”