New York Times Takes On 'Gaffe-Prone' BP CEO

BP is hearing it from all sides in the coverage of its gulf oil leak debacles. But The New York Times took things a step further Friday with a story focued on CEO Tony Hayward's propensity for mistakes.

“Among his memorable lines: The spill is not going to cause big problems because the gulf 'is a very big ocean' and 'the environmental impact of this disaster is likely to have been very, very modest.'” The Times writes. “And this week, he apologized to the families of 11 men who died on the rig for having said, 'You know, I'd like my life back.'

”But rather than receiving a limited public role, Mr. Hayward, a geologist who has led the company for three years, has become even more the public face of the company. On Thursday, BP began showing a new television ad in which Mr. Hayward, speaking directly into a camera, pledges to spare no effort to clean up the spil."

The Times later states: “Instead of reassuring the public, critics say, Mr. Hayward has turned into a day-after-day reminder of BP's public relations missteps in responding to the crisis, which began six weeks ago and looks likely to continue well into the summer”
