On One America News, author David Horowitz compares Black Lives Matter to Nazis and the KKK
Horowitz: “Its achievement has been to create a national lynch mob. ... This is what the Ku Klux Klan did."
From the February 21, 2022, edition of OAN's Tipping Point
DAVID HOROWITZ (AUTHOR): Well, Black Lives Matter is just a criminal operation. The hoax is that there was a racial dimension in the death of George Floyd, which there was not, and that Blacks are being shot in the streets by cops.
I was shocked to find out that 973 cops have been killed since George Floyd. Note that those deaths are all on the heads of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Black Lives Matter, which has been endorsed by the Democrat Party. There is no war by cops on Black people. Most of the people who have been killed are Blacks, but they've been killed by other Blacks.
The whole leadership of Black Lives Matter should be in jail. The fact that they just raised $100,000 to bail out an assassin -- I'm wondering if it's an accident that the mayoral candidate he wanted to assassinate was a Jew because you have rampant racism and rampant antisemitism in a sector of the Black community that's supporting Black Lives Matter. Let us not make the mistake, however, that that's how the Black community feels.
Eighty percent of Blacks, when polled by Gallup, are against defunding police, but what Black Lives Matter -- its achievement has been to create a national lynch mob. What do I mean by that? I mean you get the verdict first: The cop is a murderer. Then maybe you get an investigation, you probably don't, and rarely a trial, but the trials are all rigged. You can't have Maxine Waters traveling to the state and saying “guilty, guilty, guilty," or have the president of the United States praying for a right verdict. This is what the Ku Klux Klan did, people, and this is what the Democrat Party is today.
And I think this is the most crucial battle because of race -- it's just the way the Nazis used antisemitism. You pick out a scapegoat group and blame them for everything, and tar and feather anybody that gets out of line with the stigma. So, now it's white supremacy.
You know, if these were normal times, anybody saying that America was white supremacist, they should be put in a mental hospital. America freed the slaves. They were all enslaved by Black Africans and sold in slave auctions in Ghana and Benin, and 360,000 mainly white -- there were Black Union soldiers, but mainly white Union soldiers -- gave their lives to free the slaves. That's the reality. Black Africans enslaved the Blacks and white Americans freed them. Everybody should put that on their wall for the next 10 years until this all goes away.