Why has Bush's former FEMA head Michael Brown been all over your television?

Earlier this week, Mediaite.com's Frances Martel asked why Michael Brown -- Bush's former FEMA director -- has been all over the television. Well, as Tommy Christopher points out, Politico appears to have the answer.

Politico's Andy Barr and Patrick Gavin report:

Former FEMA Director Michael Brown has been all over cable television recently bashing the federal response to the oil spill off the Gulf Coast.

But he doesn't see it as an attempt to rehabilitate his image or set the record straight. Nothing that dramatic.

Rather, he just wants the publicity. He wants to sell his new book, he says, and he wants to get some clients for his company.

“There's that phrase, 'Any publicity is good publicity'” Brown told POLITICO. “I kind of buy into that.”

It looks like the media is doing a “heckuva job” giving Brownie just the platform he's been looking for.
