On Project 2025 partner podcast, FRC President Tony Perkins rails against against South Dakota's reproductive rights ballot initiative

Perkins: “This is being pushed by the abortion crowd, the death crowd”

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Citation From the October 15, 2024 edition of Family Research Council's Washington Watch with Tony Perkins

TONY PERKINS (PRESIDENT, FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL): Would you trust someone to tell you the truth who advocates for the taking the lives of unborn babies? If someone will take the life of an unborn child, they're going to lie to you as well. And what we have going on in 10 states where abortion is on the ballot in this November. And I say abortion – these are not life initiatives. These are abortion initiatives. This is being pushed by the abortion crowd, the death crowd.

What I want to do over the next several days is discuss each one of these ballot initiatives. South Dakota has become another one of these states where abortion activists have set their sights as they deceptively push Amendment G, a revision of the state's Constitution that will allow abortion up until birth while removing health and safety measures for women.

CAROLINE WOODS (LIFE DEFENSE FUND): It allows abortion through all nine months this is barbaric it's inhumane and it allows it for nearly any reason.

They want you to pay for it. Once, you know, this in the state constitution every single law in our books currently will be overridden, will be canceled. And so a lot of times they're saying oh this is the will of the people – no, they broke election law to get this on the ballot and they deceived voters saying it's a pro-life measure, it's a grocery tax measure, so they obviously use slimy tactics that are unlawful which is why we actually have sued them and we're going to trial in December.

PERKINS: So here's the best thing that the voters in South Dakota could do with that in mind is just vote this thing down.

WOODS: Absolutely.

PERKINS: And vote against Amendment G because it's been deceptive from the start, one, and two, and more importantly this would enshrine in your state's constitution abortion and you've been one of the most pro-life states in the country.