Former Trump spokesperson Jason Miller appears on QAnon channel

On November 2, former Trump spokesperson Jason Miller appeared on the 24-hour QAnon channel Patriots’ Soapbox.

During his appearance, Miller hawked his social media platform Gettr, a knock-off social media platform for conservatives which is filled with “terrorist propaganda” and linked to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s billionaire benefactor Miles Guo. 

Miller touted the platform as a means of “taking power away from Facebook and Twitter and Instagram” and the “social media oligarchs,” whatever that means.


From the November 2, 2021, Patriots' Soapbox channel stream

The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack recently subpoenaed Miller, seeking documents and a deposition related to his role as senior advisor to the Trump campaign and false claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

According to court records, many who have been charged for their participation in the attack are QAnon adherents, “including a number accused of egregious crimes.”