Horowitz admonished by MSNBC host for “call[ing] guests names on the air”

On MSNBC News Live, host Contessa Brewer admonished right-wing activist David Horowitz for calling Citizens for Legitimate Government founder Michael Rectenwald -- appearing opposite Horowitz -- a “communist,” “pro-terrorist,” and “a menace.” Brewer said: “All right. OK, here's what we're not going to do, is to call guests names on the air.”

Appearing on the March 5 edition of MSNBC News Live to discuss the suspension of Colorado high school teacher Jay Bennish, who linked President Bush and Adolf Hitler during an in-class lecture, host Contessa Brewer admonished right-wing activist David Horowitz for calling Citizens for Legitimate Government founder Michael Rectenwald -- appearing opposite Horowitz -- a “communist,” “pro-terrorist,” and “a menace.” Brewer said: “All right. OK, here's what we're not going to do, is to call guests names on the air.”

From the March 5 editon of MSNBC News Live:

HOROWITZ: This teacher [Bennish], in this 20-minute rant, also said that the victims of 9-11 deserved their fate. He's much in sympathy -- first of all, let me point out I explicitly said it would be just as wrong to have right-wing views inflicted in this way on high school students as these extremist left-wing views. Rectenwald -- Rectenwald believes that there's been a coup d'etat in the United States, we live under a dictatorship. His website calls for armed revolution --

RECTENWALD: That's not true.

HOROWITZ: This is -- it absolutely does --

RECTENWALD: No, it is not.

HOROWITZ: -- just go up there --

RECTENWALD: It is not true. You know, if you read LegitGov.org you'll see that we --

HOROWITZ: I, look, I --

RECTENWALD: If you read what we say, we do not call for that --

HOROWITZ: You have no respect for any type of disagreement --

RECTENWALD: -- in fact, that's the thing we eliminate. We eliminate that possibility.

HOROWITZ: You have no respect for disagreement, like all totalitarians --

RECTENWALD: I'm sorry, you're the one that wants to get rid of difference --

BREWER: And just real quickly, Michael, I'll give you the last word on this teacher in Colorado.

RECTENWALD: Well, I mean, the teacher -- he's a young teacher, he needs more experience with bringing in various standpoints, but his standpoint is the most endangered one, and that's the one we need to protect --

HOROWITZ: This man is a communist. He is a pro-terrorist [sic], and he is a menace.

RECTENWALD: We need to protect unpopularity. That's what we need to protect in this country.

BREWER: All right. OK, here's what we're not going to do, is to call guests names on the air.

RECTENWALD: Thank you very much.

BREWER: That's not going to happen.

HOROWITZ: Yeah, all right, he called me a right-winger!

BREWER: David Horowitz, Michael Rectenwald --

RECTENWALD: Thank you very much.

BREWER: -- in a certainly lively discussion.

During the segment, Rectenwald never once called Horowitz a “right-winger.”

Horowitz also appeared with Rectenwald on the March 2 edition of MSNBC's Scarborough Country, during which Horowitz claimed that "[t]here are 50,000 professors" who are “anti-American” and “identify with the terrorists,” as Media Matters for America noted. Rectenwald called Horowitz a “right-wing professor” during that appearance, while Horowitz claimed that Rectenwald and Bennish “are anti-American, they're radicals, they identify with the terrorists, they think of them as freedom fighters.”