Limbaugh: Climate Scientists Are “Whoring Themselves Out For Money, Abandoning Science”

Rush: Emails stolen by hacking were “leaked” from a “whistleblower”

By Zachary Pleat

Wasting no time as usual, Rush joined Glenn Beck in calling Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) "the most expensive prostitute in the history of prostitution." Rush then claimed that the hacked emails that were reportedly stolen from the University of East Anglia “are the real deal” and baselessly claimed that they were “leaked” by a “whistleblower.” As classy as ever, Rush used these possibly illegally obtained emails to continue his long-running claim that global warming is a hoax:

LIMBAUGH: These emails that we told you about last week from that group in Great Britain that formed the basis for the UN's climate change panel and their recommendations, those emails apparently now are the real deal and they may not have been leaked -- well, leaked -- they may be from a whistleblower inside the organization who is just unhappy with what's going on. Now, the bottom line is, the whole global warming -- manmade global warming movement is a fraud. It is a hoax. It's made-up lies.

Next, Rush explained how "[l]iberalism is a lie from top to bottom," then took the opportunity to bash President Obama for having run a campaign on, as he put it, nothing but hope, change, and empty platitudes. During this typically deranged rant, Rush channeled Alex Jones yet again, saying that Democrats “believe in a one-world government.” Rush's theme of liberalism being a lie continued throughout the rest of the show.

Our kindly radio host then explained that the congressional members, scientists, and others who are working to combat climate change are “whoring themselves out for money.” Still never mentioning that these emails were hacked into and possibly stolen, Rush then compared them to the Pentagon Papers.

Back from a break, Rush was quite pleased to announce that Saturday Night Live is at last making fun of Obama's policies and played the audio later in his show, claiming they were showing Obama as “a doofus.” Rush later wondered if CNN would fact-check this one, and if they did, they'd find it was spot on. Next, Rush read part of a blog post from his old, dear friend Andrew Revkin. Rush then claimed these allegedly stolen emails show that climate change skeptics are not such a small group.

Rush then turned his wonderful mind to analyzing the health care bills, complaining that “it takes 2,000 pages” to insure everyone. Incidentally, as Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) said, “This bill if you put in regular type style is about the same size as Sarah Palin's book,” which Rush said was "one of the most substantive policy books I've read." Undeterred, Rush used his world-renowned mathematical skills to claim that the legislation is really 4,000 pages of legislation once you add the total number of pages in the House and Senate bills. Rush finished off his first hour by reading a rebuttal email he wrote to a 24-year-old U.S. soldier who made, in Rush's eyes, the unforgiveable mistake of pointing out that many states require people to purchase car insurance to drive, so why not health insurance?

Rush: Obama “is one of” America's “internal perils”

Continuing with his manmade global warming is a hoax theme, Rush declared that a speech Obama gave to engineering students was nothing but “bilk.” Instead of carbon emissions being a danger, Rush declared that our “internal perils” include Obama. Unsurprisingly, Rush then brought up Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall David, and Obama's father, claiming that they don't want America to be the engine of the world, and thus Obama doesn't want this either.

Back from another break, Rush read from an AP article reporting that the Guantánamo detainees that will be put on trial for their role in the 9-11 attacks plan to plead not guilty, and used this to repeat his claim that they will put the U.S. on trial. Rush must have been in a jolly mood, as he then played his most recent parody song, this time parodying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

Later, Rush took a caller who was angry about the Saturday vote on the Senate health care bill, complaining that it was “a trick.” Rush attempted to calm her down, explaining that it was always going to pass the vote to begin debate. The caller then got slightly hysterical when she started mentioning Hayek's The Road to Serfdom. Rush assured her that she's “doing the right thing” by reading the book, which he called “great.”

Rush then endorsed the use of the possibly illegally obtained emails: “I am for anything that exposes truth.”

Back from a half-hour break, a caller lectured Rush on the ethical problems that would come from using illegally obtained emails to attack climate change. Rush responded that “we don't know” they were stolen, repeating his claim that it was a whistleblower who released the emails.

After playing the clips from Saturday Night Live parodying Obama's policies, which Rush emphasized were highly significant, Rush took a call from a woman who mentioned the concern in poor island nations that climate change is causing more malaria outbreaks. Rush said this was the fault of Rachel Carson, who he said “we got scammed by.” He then launched into an explanation of how leaders don't care about people, and that island nations are worried about rising sea levels “when they aren't” rising.

Next, Rush happily announced that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is the GOP's best shot to keep Arizona's governorship, according to a Rasmussen report. Rush rounded off the second hour by mentioning the Afghan war surtax introduced by Democratic lawmakers, but brushed it off, stating that taxpayers already pay for wars.

Rush, the model college dropout, tells his story

Rush started off his final hour of the day complaining that a listener sent him an email wishing him “happy holidays.” Here at the Limbaugh Wire we will be sure not to offend Rush by wishing him well this holiday season. Rush then read an article about a woman claiming her long-term sick leave benefits were revoked after Facebook photos were purportedly used to undermine her medical leave. He then explained his real problem with this: imagine if the government could do this. After all, Rush said, the woman could just get another insurance policy. Rush then read much of a Spiegel Online article that just happened to agree with Rush on his views of Obama's actions overseas. Apparently adopting Spiegel Online as his favorite new news source, Rush also mentioned an article detailing possible problems with Germany cooperating in the trials of 9-11 detainees, because Germany prohibits capital punishment. Naturally, Rush used this as an opportunity to play his new KSM parody again.

After another break, Rush had on a caller who wanted to educate the nation about inflammatory breast cancer, saying that most doctors don't recognize it, and mammograms rarely detect it. Of course, the caller claimed that if we had “a rationed health care system,” many people would die from this, something he repeated at least twice. Rush was incredulous by the cost of the treatment for this cancer, and used this as an opportunity to rail against health care reform again, claiming it was not about health care, but about money.

Back for the final half hour of Monday's show, Rush read an article about Lincoln University mandating students pass a fitness course to graduate. Rush, who spent much of this year drawing attention to his weight loss program, wondered “how we know” that the country is in an obesity epidemic.

After Rush briefly mentioned out of nowhere that Tamiflu no longer works on the swine flu, Rush treated us to his sad sob story about how and why he dropped out of college. We leave you with his words:

LIMBAUGH: When I was in college, like, my full first year and only year, what finally drove me out of it were two things: flunking speech, which was my business, and being forced to take ballroom dance, taught by a drill sergeant in the WACs [Women's Army Corps] as a phys ed course. I said, wait a minute. They told me when I got here, and they told me in high school that when I got here I'm on my own. Now, we're not going to be babied up here, and they're not -- they don't call the roll; they don't do any of that. It's up to you to show up. Hell, they call the roll in college more than they do -- more than they did in high school.

And that ballroom -- I just didn't go. I just couldn't bring myself to go. I went to the radio station instead. And, of course, the college sent a letter home to my parents. This is back in the -- you -- that can't happen now. You know -- Dawn, do you know that you're not allowed to see your daughter's grades? She has to be the one to tell you. You can't see them. So, you -- yeah, but that's only cause she gave it to you. If she didn't give you the password, you wouldn't -- you wouldn't even know -- she could flunk out a semester and not tell you and still have you support her up there. You would never know it unless she told you, because the school can't write you.

But back then, a university wrote my mom and dad a letter saying that I had not shown up to ballroom dance. And, of course, this outraged and embarrassed my parents. I was the first member of my family and the probably only member of my family not to graduate from college. You know, I do interviews with people, “Yeah, man, I'm happy to be here and this is my -- I'm the first member of my family to ever go to school.”

I'm the only member of my family that didn't, and that bothered them and embarrassed them and so forth. So my mother took away the car I bought, and drove me to college class -- ballroom dance after I had missed it for a month.

Zachary Aronow and Kate Conway contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.


Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Now when you hear a Democrat go on television and solemnly pronounce, as Senator Ben Nelson did, “No health care if no change in public option and abortion funding,” or Mary Landrieu, “I will not vote for this as it is written,” they are not espousing core beliefs. They are simply opening bids. They are simply making opening bids to Harry Reid.


LIMBAUGH: You know, liberals are liberals wherever you find them, in the global warming movement, in the health care movement, in the U.S. Congress, in the White House -- wherever they are. Liberalism is a lie from top to bottom.


LIMBAUGH: If the Democrats on Capitol Hill and Obama were honest about what the real purpose of their health care bill is -- to raise taxes, to totally control every aspect of human life in this country --they would never, ever even got this far with it. If the global warming people had said, “We are aligned with our liberal socialist brothers all over the world. We believe in a one-world government and we believe that the United States has too much of the world's wealth, so we are going to create a crisis that is designed to make Americans think that they are destroying the planet so that they will then feel guilty and that they will feel guilty over polar bears being killed and so forth; we'll get their kids all in line, and then we're going to go for world government and world tax increases to fleece the United States so that we can join our leftist brothers in the United States to control that population and as much of the world as we can.”

If they had said that, they would have never convinced one person to sell an SUV. If they had said that, they had never have convinced one person to buy a Prius. My point is, they cannot be honest about their intentions; they cannot be honest about their agenda; they cannot be honest about who they are.


LIMBAUGH: Years ago, folks, years ago on this program, I explained that communists, leftist ideologues flocked to the environmental movement after the end of the Cold War. Collectivists found cover for their new agenda, and the collectivists attracted leftist pseudo-scientists who were milking the scam for grants from corporation, universities, and government entities. There are so many whores in our midst -- from members of Congress, members of the U.S. Senate, and members of the scientific community -- who are whoring themselves out for money, abandoning science, the pursuit of truth, in exchange for advancing a leftist political agenda.


LIMBAUGH: So these emails have been published. The lie is now there for all to see. The Bernie Madoffs of global warming were caught. And, hopefully, this is the final nail in the coffin for cap and trade.


LIMBAUGH: We are in a war. We are in a war to save the United States of America from being remade into something that you and I would not recognize it -- or recognize. And people are very much alarmed about this. I am for anything that exposes truth. Truth has become too big a casualty in our culture, in our society, in our media, and in our politics. Everything, it seems, is a lie to one degree or another. And the people who do not go along with the lie, who do not believe the lie, are called extremists.

Somebody in this organization, if it's a whistleblower, one of two things: either somebody's got their nose out of joint over the way they're being treated by somebody in that organization or they've got a guilty conscience, and they can no longer sit by and be part of this while they watch an absolute fraud and hoax take place. So I myself am never alarmed when the truth happens, when the truth is made, when the truth is revealed. I am not bothered.


LIMBAUGH: They're suffering from malaria in a lot of parts of the world because we got scammed by a woman named Rachel Carson, who led to the banning of DDT. If we just put DDT back in, we'd cut malaria dramatically.

Enemies list

LIMBAUGH: We do live in a world of unprecedented perils and now they include internal perils and he is one of them.

Fascism watch

LIMBAUGH: Now, my friends, health care, the entire Obama agenda -- stimulus, porkulus, whatever -- the entire Obama agenda -- the auto bailout, the cash for clunkers, the home tax credit thing -- every one of those items is the same kind of fraud as is the manmade global warming hoax. It is being advanced by the same kind of people for the same kind of reasons because they are all liberals-slash-socialists-slash-communists-slash fascists.

America's Truth Rejecter

LIMBAUGH: These emails that we told you about last week from that group in Great Britain that formed the basis for the UN's climate change panel and their recommendations, those emails apparently now are the real deal and they may not have been leaked -- well, leaked -- they may be from a whistleblower inside the organization who is just unhappy with what's going on. Now, the bottom line is, the whole global warming -- manmade global warming movement is a fraud. It is a hoax. It's made-up lies.

Echo chamber

LIMBAUGH: That may be, folks -- that may be the most expensive prostitute in the history of prostitution. And she's bragging about it -- Mary Landrieu, bragging about $300 million payoff from Dingy Harry to get her vote on this health care scam on Saturday night.

Vox populi

LIMBAUGH: When I was in college, like, my full first year and only year, what finally drove me out of it were two things: flunking speech, which was my business, and being forced to take ballroom dance, taught by a drill sergeant in the WACs [Women's Army Corps] as a phys ed course. I said, wait a minute. They told me when I got here, and they told me in high school that when I got here I'm on my own. Now, we're not going to be babied up here, and they're not -- they don't call the roll; they don't do any of that. It's up to you to show up. Hell, they call the roll in college more than they do -- more than they did in high school.

And that ballroom -- I just didn't go. I just couldn't bring myself to go. I went to the radio station instead. And, of course, the college sent a letter home to my parents. This is back in the -- you -- that can't happen now. You know -- Dawn, do you know that you're not allowed to see your daughter's grades? She has to be the one to tell you. You can't see them. So, you -- yeah, but that's only cause she gave it to you. If she didn't give you the password, you wouldn't -- you wouldn't even know -- she could flunk out a semester and not tell you and still have you support her up there. You would never know it unless she told you, because the school can't write you.

But back then, a university wrote my mom and dad a letter saying that I had not shown up to ballroom dance. And, of course, this outraged and embarrassed my parents. I was the first member of my family and the probably only member of my family not to graduate from college. You know, I do interviews with people, “Yeah, man, I'm happy to be here and this is my -- I'm the first member of my family to ever go to school.”

I'm the only member of my family that didn't, and that bothered them and embarrassed them and so forth. So my mother took away the car I bought, and drove me to college class -- ballroom dance after I had missed it for a month.