Newsmax host: “Kennedy acknowledges his colorful personal life, as he's put it — a dead bear in Central Park, freezers full of roadkill, brain worms, and enough dalliances to make Bill Clinton blush”


From the January 29, 2025, edition of Newsmax's Rob Schmitt Tonight

ROB SCHMITT (HOST): Robert F Kennedy Jr. on Capitol Hill this morning, a confirmation fight that we knew would be vicious. Kennedy came into the room flanked by his wife, who is an actress in Hollywood. He had several key supporters, like Megyn Kelly sitting right behind him, as well as a contingent of moms in the crowd, which are the lifeblood of this movement — the mothers who are trying to raise kids in a country where we are being poisoned by our own food and our health agencies have been so obviously corrupted.

There was no way that today was going to be easy. Kennedy acknowledges his colorful personal life, as he's put it — a dead bear in Central Park, freezers full of roadkill, brain worms, and enough dalliances to make Bill Clinton blush. And then beyond that, for years, Kennedy has been saying things that nobody in Washington wants you to hear, stating that vaccines don't receive the same scrutiny as other drugs, a statement seen as a threat to the stability of our entire country by the people in power.

Remember, our government thinks macro about all of us. They see us as a bunch of ants. How do you control the ants as effectively as possible? Tell them to shut up and adhere to their ever expanding vaccine schedule. Kennedy saying vaccines should be scrutinized as harshly as other drugs is a terrifying third rail for those in power. While it's a statement that's largely supported by we the people. And that's the difference, and that's why this is so problematic in the Senate for this confirmation hearing.

On health, Robert F Kennedy Jr is a true populist.