After airing Mitchell/Frank segment, Limbaugh said Mitchell “does come off like a 'butt boy' there”

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County Fair: Mitchell “plead[s] guilty” on behalf of media to Frank's charge of “over focus” on admin noms' “minor infractions”

From the transcript provided on Limbaugh's website:

RUSH: Barney Frank blames the media for the fact that they're focusing on too many tax cheats who otherwise would be great employees at the Treasury Department. Andrea Mitchell says, “I take your point, Mr. Chairman, you're right, and we plead guilty.” Moving on with the war. Moving on with the... (interruption) Nah. See, she does come off like a “butt boy” there. You know, they all are. People don't like the term, Snerdley. We have new people tuning in and they hear the term. They're not going to understand the humor with which we intend this. I apologize, folks. I know that there are millions of you new tuning in and you're just waiting for an excuse to tune out 'cause you're waiting for all these misconceptions you have to be confirmed, but call Andrea Mitchell whatever you want. For the media, she now accepts blame. Yeah, the media's keeping good people out of Treasury because they're focusing on tax cheats.