After repeatedly calling Obama, others racists, Limbaugh says “I have had it with race baiters” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 10/01/09 4:08 PM EDT From the October 1 edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Rush Limbaugh Show: Video file Previously: Limbaugh: "[I]n Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering" Limbaugh: Obama is “the greatest living example of a reverse racist” Limbaugh compares Sotomayor nomination to nominating David Duke Limbaugh says his opposition to Sotomayor not because of race or gender, but calls her “an angry woman,” “bigot,” “racist” Limbaugh: Gates is “an angry racist” Parker: Beck and Limbaugh are “empower[ing] racists”; Brooks: Beck and Limbaugh are “race-baiting”