This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Rush's self-administered “enhanced interrogation”
By Simon Maloy
Rush kicked off the second hour with another plug for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, encouraging his listeners to donate whatever they can. He also repeated his crack that the “dittohead” clothing you'll receive as a gift for donating will be black to commemorate the Obama economy.
Rush came back from the break saying that he forgot to mention that the “horrible, horrible, horrible” caterpillar interrogation technique had not even been used, and the left is still upset about it. Rush then told Snerdley that while the average “Joe six-pack” Democrat doesn't know what releasing these memos does to the country, the people in charge in the administration know exactly what they're doing. Rush also noted that there are some “conservatives” who are “getting sucked in by all this, too.” This is fine and dandy to Rush, because they're “clearing out all the dead weight on our side.”
Rush then charitably allowed that President Obama does not want the United States to be hit with another terrorist attack, but Rush claimed that the White House simply believes it won't happen. Think about it, Rush said. These terrorists cut off their own wives' heads, and here we're going nuts over memos calling slapping torture. To demonstrate how silly he thinks this is, Rush actually began slapping himself in the face and calling it torture. Let's just say it was one of the few times we were glad to have access to the Dittocam.
Rush then took a caller who said her son was joining the Marines despite having been brainwashed in the schools as a child. Rush took this as an opportunity to attack Joe Biden for saying recently of the Middle East: “How many of you think we would have so many troops stationed in that area of the world if we didn't need the oil? If you add the actual price of oil, it's probably $10 more a barrel just by the military we have to provide to be able to ensure those oil lanes stay open.” This, according to Rush, was an admission on Biden's part that we're keeping or military men and women in harm's way because of oil, and a reason to drill for oil domestically. Rush considered this a “despicable” way to characterize the military, as security guards for something we have on our own soil.
Coming back from the break, Rush returned to soliciting donations for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, then took a caller who wanted to use the idea of cancer research as a frame for the “disease” he sees spreading throughout the country in the form of America's “mis-education” system, which he said needs to be totally refurbished. Rush said that the dumbing-down of the country is being done purposefully, and the caller agreed, saying he was part of the conspiracy as a bona fide atheist, humanist evolutionary biologist, before he turned to Scripture. Neither of them explained exactly who was masterminding this conspiracy, but we're sure it involves George Soros, Barack Obama, ACORN, and William Ayers. Anyway, Rush lamented the fact that our nation's children are not being taught the facts of “the founding of this country.” We presume that such an education would include Thomas Jefferson's founding of the Republican Party, the Founding Fathers' astounding foresight in pre-emptively justifying Limbaugh's desire to see Obama fail, and the lesson that “the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, Liberty, Freedom. And the pursuit of happiness.”
The rest of the hour was spent promoting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, including a call from a leukemia survivor.
Highlights from Hour 2
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: These guys that we're talking about, they'd cut off their own wives' heads if they detect them doing something not within the bounds of the law. And we've got memos out there today saying how rude and horrible we are because we slapped people.
I just slapped myself. I'm torturing myself right now. That's torture, according to these people. If there is another hit, well -- we're the laughing stock in Tora Bora. We are the laughing stock in the caves of Pakistan.
Clips from this hour