Hour 2: Limbaugh Accuses Emanuel Of “Engaging In Thug Behavior” Over Health Care Reform

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by all the “babes” in the media
By Greg Lewis

Rush welcomed us to the second hour of “Open Line Friday!” on Thursday with the news that Mark Davis will be filling in for him tomorrow. Rush then went back to Sotomayor's “butchering” of the English language, which he said was important because she's a judge about to sit on the Supreme Court. Rush again went though Sotomayor's -- as Simon would say -- “not-particularly-egregious mispronunciations.” It was not insignificant, Rush said, because any Republican nominee making these sorts of mistakes would be disqualified.

Then Rush gloated about Sen. Jon Kyl's questioning of Sotomayor, in which he pushed her on her use of precedent in the Ricci case. Rush declared that there was “no precedence” in the case and that Kyl “nailed her” on that.

Rush moved on to liberals who are supposedly “unhappy” with Sotomayor hiding her identity during the confirmation hearings. His first example was “babe” Dahlia Lithwick on MSNBC yesterday, who argued that Democrats should not be embracing the logic of the Roberts court during the hearings. Rush said this was “fascinating stuff” because liberals are winning everything, and they're going to get Sotomayor confirmed, but this Lithwick “babe” was upset because in order for the hearings to go smoothly, Sotomayor had to lie about who she is. “It's fascinating to listen to these people, because, normally, they're all about doing whatever you have to do to win -- lie, cheat, ACORN, whatever you have to do to win. This Lithwick babe is not happy with the way they're winning.”

The next “liberal” on Rush's radar was Washington Post Magazine contributing editor Cathy Areu, who, on CNN last night, said that Sotomayor wouldn't back off her “wise Latina” remark if she could say what she really thought, and would expand it to say that any Latina would reach a better decision than a white man. Rush said Areu would say that a “stupid Latina” would make a better decision than your average white guy.

After the break, Rush touched on the controversy over “science czar” John Holdren, reading from a David Freddoso column in the Washington Examiner. Holdren co-authored a book in 1977 that touched on issues such as abortion and sterilization for population control. Rush linked this to the falsehood that Ruth Bader Ginsburg “admitted” that the left “looks at” abortion as “a population control measure.” Rush went on to declare that Obama's pick of Holdren shows the “shear radical nature” of this man, saying, “This is who Obama is.” So Rush would have us believe that Obama, in choosing his science adviser, went back to something controversial Holdren co-wrote 30 years ago about population control, figured that it synced up nicely with his own worldview, and brought him on as science adviser. It's insane, folks. John Holdren is a respected figure within the scientific community with a list of achievements most academics would love to have. You can believe that, or you can believe that the president of the United States is hell-bent on culling the U.S. population.

Then Rush read from a Washington Post article about who would control Medicare reimbursement under health care reform. Rush said that Rahm Emanuel was surely “engaging in thug behavior” to ensure that the White House took total control of Medicare reimbursement away from Congress. Right before going to commercial, Rush teased an “explosive” story coming up in the next segment.

Rush's “explosive” story turned out to be an Investor's Business Daily editorial, which Rush read from at length. The editorial declared that the House health care bill would make individual private medical insurance “illegal.” Rush said this is a “horror story” and that's why they're trying to push this through. This claim by Rush and IBD is flagrantly false -- unbelievably, ridiculously, and audaciously wrong, and it should be patently obvious that this is wrong, but we guess we have to explain it anyway. The tiny bit of text the IBD editorial excerpted from the bill refers to a specific subset of health insurance coverage that the bill refers to as “grandfathered health insurance coverage.” The text of the bill the IBD excerpted states that a coverage plan can only be considered a “grandfathered” plan if the insurer doesn't enroll anyone in that plan after the bill takes effect. That's it. If you don't believe us, read the bill yourself -- it's all right there on page 16. Nowhere in the bill does it say that “individual private medical insurance” is “illegal.” If that were the case, why would the bill, on page 15, establish quality standards for “health insurance coverage offered in the individual market or large or small group market”?

Anyway, Rush continued by harping on the idea that newspapers in other cities need to run charts like the one in today's New York Post so that people will understand how much health care reform will cost them. Somehow, Rush got sidetracked from here into talking about Twitter, telling his audience that he's not actually on Twitter, but there are a lot of fake Limbaughs out there: the Twittoheads. We at the Limbaugh Wire hope you're not being fooled by some of the “fake” fake Limbaughs on Twitter. There's only one true "Fake Limbaugh," and we hope you're keeping tabs on him.

Anyway, Rush moved onto the Drudge-flagged story about the $700,000 Social Security Administration function in Phoenix, saying that it is proper to be outraged about it, and that it is as easy to understand as the House bank scandal. And as expected, he made the whole thing about communism:

LIMBAUGH: The interesting thing here about all of this -- this is more and more like the Politburo each and every day. The Politburo had its hierarchy of leaders from the premier, president, on down, to these clowns in the Kremlin. They all had their dachas -- their houses out there -- their girls, their liquor, and so forth. People in the country couldn't find food in the stores. Now, we've got these people in Washington who are treating the U.S. Treasury as a personal piggy bank to go party.

Rush continued with “Open Line Friday!” on Thursday after the break, with a caller who mumbled something about the chart in the Post. Rush told the caller his objective was for people to find out what Rush has been saying for weeks, and to get that message out before Democrats get their health care reform and cap and trade through Congress. His objective, he said, is to stop this.

Simon Maloy, Zachary Pleat, and Ariana Probinsky contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: It's fascinating to listen to these people, because, normally, they're all about doing whatever you have to do to win -- lie, cheat, ACORN, whatever you have to do to win. This Lithwick babe is not happy with the way they're winning.

“Socialism” watch

LIMBAUGH: The interesting thing here about all of this -- this is more and more like the Politburo each and every day. The Politburo had its hierarchy of leaders from the premier, president, on down, to these clowns in the Kremlin. They all had their dachas -- their houses out there -- their girls, their liquor, and so forth. People in the country couldn't find food in the stores. Now, we've got these people in Washington who are treating the U.S. Treasury as a personal piggy bank to go party.

America's Truth Rejector

Rush echoed falsehood about Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg's views on abortion as population control:

LIMBAUGH: So, abortion is a population control measure, exactly as Ruth “Buzzy” Ginsburg admitted last week in The Washington Post -- well, wait, maybe it was The New York Times. But it is what the left looks at it as: a population control measure.