Hour 2: More paranoia: Rush claims government union workers are trying to infiltrate tea parties

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by the rock of Marxism
By Simon Maloy

Rush got the second hour started by going after NBC's Matt Lauer, claiming that Lauer, interviewing Christina Romer on Today this morning, was “terrified” at the prospect of banks like Goldman Sachs operating without government influence. According to Rush, Obama will not allow Goldman to repay the TARP funds it took. Rush then noted that the government might swap out some of General Motors' debt for an increased equity share of the company. Rush said he predicted this, and he'll tell us the next step -- that equity will be transferred to the UAW as part of Obama's plan to return the nation's wealth to its rightful owners.

Then Rush read the conclusion of Obama's speech yesterday on the economy, in which the president said of the economy: “We will not finish it in one year or even many, but if we use this moment to lay that new foundation; if we come together and begin the hard work of rebuilding; if we persist and persevere against the disappointments and setbacks that will surely lie ahead, then I have no doubt that this house will stand and the dream of our Founders will live on in our time.” According to Rush, if Obama succeeds, “the dream of our Founders will have been killed,” because “Obama proposed building a new foundation for our economy, one built on a rock. What rock? Marxism? What mark -- what rock? Socialism? Hard to say. All we get is the dreamy, silky speeches.”

Then Rush claimed that for the first time in his tax-paying life, he feels as though his taxes are worthless because it's all just going toward “income redistribution” -- from productive people to “needy poor people.” It's just “greed,” said Rush, and the greed out there is coming from “every Democrat elected official” and a few Republicans who voted for tax increases. The greed “is anywhere you have government,” from towns all the way up to the federal government. We are in the midst of the most gentle power grab in history, said Rush, and it's coming at the expense of liberty. Individual Americans are paying the price for Obama's “greed,” and it's nothing more than “liberal selfishness and greed” that drives the Obama administration.

Rush's rant was interrupted by a commercial break, which he returned from by taking a call from a listener who wanted to talk about the rise in foreclosures. Rush said that if he were a banker, who, since the 1990s, had a government-held gun to his head forcing him to make loans to people who would never pay them back, then he'd be trying to get his money back any way he could. That's just “human nature” that he's speaking to, said Rush. All Rush knows is that the bankers and financial people will never tell you the “truth” about what happened to them because Obama has made them “enemies” of America.

Rush took another break, and then another caller, this one claiming to have been told by Sen. Ben Nelson's (D-NE) office that the senator would not be attending any tea parties. The reason Nelson isn't going, saud Rush, is because no one wants to see him there. He's the one being protested. Rush then claimed that a lot of government union workers are going to try to infiltrate the tea parties. We can't speak to that, we've been getting our orders from ACORN and George Sor- -- there's Griff!

Heh... got him.

Anyway, Rush's next caller was actually at a tea party, this one in Texas, calling it “amazing” and “electrifying.” Rush wanted to know if MoveOn or ACORN had shown up yet (if they haven't, then they're way behind schedule, we should point out). Another caller, this one had already been to a tea party in Lansing, Michigan, where she heard Joe the Plumber speak. Rush was surprised to hear that Joe the Plumber was there: “They must be flying Joe the Plumber around to a bunch of these things.” “They”? Who is “they”? We thought these were spontaneous outburst of democracy bereft of coordination. So who is “they” sending Joe the Plumber all over the country?

Rush came back from another break attempting to explain the varied definitions of “teabagging,” thankfully not getting into specifics. His next caller was from Detroit, who said the DHS report means the liberals can't decide whether or not the tea partiers are insignificant or a genuine threat. If we may explain once again, the “liberals” are not making that decision because the report doesn't address everyday conservatives. We actually find ourselves rather perplexed as to why conservatives keep insisting that they are the right-wing extremists the DHS is talking about. Rush claimed that the DHS report is “standard operating procedure” for Democrats, who blame the right for violent acts. Just look at Bill Clinton's speech following the Oklahoma City bombing, in which he decried the “hate-speech” on the airwaves.

Rush rounded out the hour by reading a U.K. Times headline: “Why the master of America's new First Mutt is no longer in good odour with [French] President [Nicolas] Sarkozy.” According to Rush: "[T]he UK Times calling Obama the first mutt."

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Try this headline in the UK Times: “Why the master of America's new First Mutt is no longer in good odour with President Sarkozy” -- the UK Times calling Obama the first mutt.

“Socialism” watch

LIMBAUGH: The foundation -- he wants to re-do the foundation. I guarantee you if he succeeds in this, the dream of our Founders will have been killed. It will not live on and that is the precise point. The foundation -- that's what Obama called his soothing talk about gutting and remaking the American economy built on free markets, built on capitalism.

President Obama gently explained how the business model was flawed. That Milton Friedman was a kook, that the greatest economy in history was built on quicksand, and knowing that nothing of permanence could be built on quicksand, Obama proposed building a new foundation for our economy, one built on a rock.

What rock? Marxism? What mark -- what rock? Socialism? Hard to say. All we get is the dreamy, silky speeches.