Hour 2: Multi-Millionaire Limbaugh Sees Himself As A Common Man: “I'm Not An Elitist”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by China and the U.S. -- brothers in communism
By Simon Maloy

Rush got the second hour rolling by claiming that Obama keeps saying that he is pushing health care reform, but the people do not want what he is pushing. Every poll shows the American people do not want what he is pushing. Obama is taking money out of our pockets and the pockets of our children to push his own agenda. It's not an agenda in line with what the nation wants. They're going to do what they want to do whether the nation wants it or not (we don't recall Rush being this wedded to public opinion on the Iraq war...) And, Rush continued, Obama is going to use every form of pressure he can, intimidating doctors and insurance companies. The most important aspect of Obama's health care conference was his attack on the health care system as it exists. But no poll shows that the people want more stimulus or health care reform.

Rush then noted that “The Washington Prowler” reported that it “wasn't out of a need for racial healing that President Barack Obama reached out to his old friend, Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley.” According to an anonymous White House source quoted by the Prowler, Obama reached out because Congress was considering hearings and the president didn't want to go down that route. Here's the thing about citing the Washington Prowler -- you have to accept as fact that the Prowler, who works for fringe, ultra-conservative magazine The American Spectator and whose column is devoted to attacking Democrats and liberals, somehow obtained exclusive access (on background, of course) to a Democratic White House official who was willing to explain, in detail, the president's thinking on race and policy. Sounds perfectly plausible...

Anyway, Rush then wanted to go back to the sound bite from the last hour of Richard Wolffe talking to Robert Gibbs. It always comes down to Rush's money, said Rush, who once again denied that he “start[ed] anything” regarding Gates. It was the president who fanned the flames, said Rush. So when this White House gets in trouble, they lash out at Rush. Rush then aired audio of Wolffe interviewing Michael Eric Dyson, who said that calling Obama “an angry black man” is as ridiculous as calling Rush Limbaugh an intellectual, and that the president is committed to using his bully pulpit to elevate the discourse. He is “an angry black guy,” Rush retorted, adding, “I do believe he's angry. I think his wife is angry. Well, all liberals are enraged all the time anyway. They're always mad.”

Rush then offered another of his trademark, transmission-shattering gear shifts, moving on to Obama's remarks this morning on the strategic economic dialogue between China and the U.S. Rush said: “The president of the United States wants China to become a superpower. He does not want the United States to be the sole superpower in the world.” But there's something else here, said Rush: “If you were an investor in the American government -- in the United States government -- and you're a communist and your whole party's communist, and you see what one of your brothers is doing to your investment, you'd be steamed too. I -- and they want -- the ChiComs want answers. That's what all these dialogues are about. The U.S. and China: partners in what? Communism?” Rush then said he doesn't need lectures from people who are tearing the U.S. economy apart. Profits beat bankruptcy, and profits beat Gibbs' philosophy of socialism.

After the break, Rush re-aired the Michael Eric Dyson clip, saying that Obama was not using his bully pulpit to elevate the conversation on race, he was trying to shut it down. Rush then noted that Wolffe asked Dyson how Republicans can win black voters if Limbaugh is their voice, and he aired audio of Dyson saying that Republicans must learn to be self-critical. Rush doesn't understand what Dyson is talking about -- that's first-class intellectualism? If Obama was not trying to harm this cop, what was he doing? You think Obama would have said a word about this if the cop had been black? As it turns out, said Rush, there was a black and a Hispanic cop there when Gates was arrested. Gates and Obama were the ones that went after the cop, said Rush, and they're the ones who injected race into this. But for some reason, Rush is the one who gets blamed.

Another break and Rush came back to take a couple of calls, the first from a woman who said she just told an AARP representative how upset she was with the AARP's support of Obama's health care plan. The caller said that the representative told her that there are a lot of myths about health care, and this is not socialized health care. Rush said the AARP person denied a charge that the caller hadn't made, which means they're very defensive. If they go along with this, said Rush, then they'll be selling every AARP member down the river. And this all makes sense, said Rush, when you understand that the AARP are no different from the “National Association of Gals,” PETA, etc. They're liberals, and they love big government; and they all have skin in the game. This health care plan is all about Obama taking care of his buddies in the unions, said Rush, who chastised the caller for expecting them to be intellectually honest when that's not what they're about.

The next caller said she saw Rush on TV the other day, and she's thankful that he's lost so much weight because he's a vital part of the nation. The caller then waxed poetic on Limbaugh's eloquence and intelligence, and how he outstrips Obama on both fronts. Rush said she's very bright to have spotted his intelligence, given that it's under assault by Michael Eric Dyson. After the caller praised Rush's ability to speak to the common man, Rush said perhaps the most untrue thing we've ever heard on this program: “But I'm -- I am one of them. I'm not up. You know, I'm not an elitist. I don't have that kind of attitude or carriage. You know, the reason that I'm -- the reason I'm able to speak the truth to people is because I'm one of them.”

Rush came back from the next break armed with a sound bite of Barney Frank's speech this morning, in which Frank said that the job of Congress is not to help people make money. Rush asked if we understood what was going on here -- these people, when they have what they think is unchecked power, will be very honest about what they want to do. This is a teachable moment, said Rush. Every business in Frank's district has probably heard this from him, and yet they still vote for him. Frank looks at business as providing funds to people in Washington to use productively, said Rush. That's definitely the way Obama views the private sector.

El Rushbo closed out the hour with a caller who was very frustrated over this Gates situation -- Obama admitted he's a racist, and all these people are out there trying to spin this away for Obama. This is an example of unchecked power in the media, said the caller, because Obama can get away with anything. Rush played audio of Gibbs saying that they anticipated a question on Gates at the press conference. So they planned for it, said Rush, and they still blew it.

Greg Lewis and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: But, and they're finally hearing me. Why, he's an angry black guy. I do believe that about the president. I do believe he's angry. I think his wife is angry. Well, all liberals are enraged all the time anyway. They're always mad.

“Socialism” watch

LIMBAUGH: The president of the United States wants China to become a superpower. He does not want the United States to be the sole superpower in the world. But there's something else going on here, too, folks, and it is this: The ChiComs own our debt, and the ChiComs are not happy with what's happening to their investment.

If you were an investor in the American government -- in the United States government -- and you're a communist and your whole party's communist, and you see what one of your brothers is doing to your investment, you'd be steamed too. I -- and they want -- the ChiComs want answers. That's what all these dialogues are about. The U.S. and China: partners in what? Communism?

America's Truth Rejector

This is quite clearly untrue:

LIMBAUGH: But I'm -- I am one of them. I'm not up. You know, I'm not an elitist. I don't have that kind of attitude or carriage. You know, the reason that I'm -- the reason I'm able to speak the truth to people is because I'm one of them.