This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by NSA's Limbaugh wiretaps
By Simon Maloy
Rush got the second hour started by noting that French President Nicolas Sarkozy gently mocked President Obama, saying that when Obama comes to Normandy for the 65th anniversary of the Allied landings, Sarkozy will “ask him to walk on the Channel, and he will.” Rush loved this and agreed with the American Thinker that it must be unprecedented for a head of state to mock another head of state like that. Anyway, Rush speculated that the White House will actually put a glass walkway under the water so that Obama can appear to be walking on water. It would be just like when Clinton went to Normandy as president, Rush said, and he walked the beach by himself, stopping to bend down and assemble a cross out of stones on the beach. That was a set-up, Rush alleged -- there are “no stones” on Normandy beach, and the White House advance team dumped a bunch of rocks there ahead of time so Clinton could have the photo-op.
Coming back from the break, Rush took a call from an organizer of the Albuquerque tea party who defended the grassroots nature of the events, claiming that the local businesses offered sponsorship. Rush demanded to know “what the hell is wrong with a local business” getting involved. If, in fact, anyone had actually suggested that it was wrong for businesses to do so, then Rush's query might be interesting. Anyway, Rush cautioned the man that he has to expect that the media is going to attack him and misreport the tea party movement, but the best thing to do is ignore them because they want the man to be obsessed with how they distort what he says. You'll recall from the previous hour that Rush devoted a not insignificant amount of time “obsessing” over Susan Roesgen's tea party reporting.
Rush's next caller said Roesgen was wrong in asking why there were no African-Americans at the Chicago tea party, claiming that there were lots of African-Americans in attendance. Rush said this just fits into the media “template” that the GOP is “racist.” His next caller also attacked Roesgen, saying she made a fool of herself, and talked up the tea parties. Rush repeated his opinion that third parties are not the way to go -- look at what happened with Ross Perot in 1992. The key, according to Rush, is kicking out a whole bunch of incumbents like the Republicans did in 1994, and these tea parties are a “threat” to Democrats and the media because they undercut the notion that everyone in the country is behind Obama.
After the break, Rush put in another plug for Mark Levin's Liberty and Tyranny, saying that it couldn't have been better timed because it dovetails nicely with the tea party movement. This book, according to Rush, is where people can look to learn the basics of conservatism.
Rush's next caller thought that the “liberals” were so defensive over the tea parties because they used to have activism cornered. Rush said there's a key difference -- most liberal protests are “rent-a-mobs” that consist of union workers who are “cajoled” and “threatened” into attending. He again attacked Nancy Pelosi for calling the tea parties “Astroturf,” pointing out that the right-wing blog Sweetness & Light said the term “Astroturfing” was invented to describe what David Axelrod's firm did. We're not sure what that has to do with the tea parties and the big-time conservative organizations that promoted them, but there you have it.
The next caller was also talking up the tea parties, though he didn't attend one, but was happy that this “shot across the bow” had been fired. Rush said Obama wants “the largest welfare state he can get” and “as much federal control as he can secure for himself.” He then ended the call, explaining: "[Y]ou're talking about ... the first shot over the bow -- don't forget the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring us now, and you've identified yourself as coming from Bucks County, and you've admitted that you are rich. I mean, you couldn't make yourself a bigger target by having -- admitting all this on the program today." Rush then counseled any future tea partiers that if the media do show up at the next round of tea parties and start asking questions, they should respond by asking where the journalists are.
After some extended commentary on the stupidity of today's youth posting incriminating videos online, Rush took one last call for the hour, this one from a tea party attendee who said that a woman there read a speech Limbaugh's father once delivered regarding the Declaration of Independence.
Highlights from Hour 2
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: I think this is about as much federal control as he can secure for himself and the Democrat Party. Now, Mike, I'm going to end your call right now because you're talking about in the first shot over the bow -- don't forget the Department of Homeland Security is monitoring us now, and you've identified yourself as coming from Bucks County, and you've admitted that you are rich. I mean, you couldn't make yourself a bigger target by having -- admitting all this on the program today.
And in addition to that, we have learned here that the National Security Agency -- does all the monitoring of phone calls and emails -- has been collecting even more information than usual on domestic phone calls made by us, made by Americans. So I'm going to try to protect you from any more risk that you put yourself under by being so open about this.