Hour 2: Rush's paranoia: Obama talks about “nationalizing” banks after “palling around” with Chavez and Ortega

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by the UAW's share in Citigroup
By Simon Maloy

Rush kicked off the second hour by returning to the caller advocating that we talk with our adversaries. Rush asked when was the last time Obama spoke to him. Instead, Rush said, Obama sent his “hacks” out to attack him, adding: “President Barack Obama treats brutal dictators better than he speaks to, or of, many of his own countrymen who disagree with him.” Then Rush hypothesized that he, in his role as the leader of the media, would have to apologize for Larry King and Chris Matthews and Katie Couric for the “awful” things that they do.

Then Rush moved on to reports that the Treasury Department might convert TARP debt owed by banks into equity shares. Rush said this is why the market is down today: The banks are finally making a profit and the administration is forcing them to remain in TARP, and now is going to take control of the companies. Rush's takeaway: “I guess the United Auto Workers are going to end up, not only on the board of General Motors, the United Auto Workers may end up on the board of directors of some of these banks.” We have absolutely no idea what the UAW has to do with any of this, but we guess it's all part of Rush's theory that Obama's economic policies are designed as “payback” for the unions.

Taking off on the TARP reports, Rush declared: “Now, at this point, for somebody to say that they hope Obama succeeds -- knowing full well what his domestic and foreign policy is and the people he embraces and rejects -- it's irresponsible to now say you hope Obama succeeds.” Rush then endeavored to explain why, when he said he wanted Obama to “fail,” people on the left twisted that into Rush wanted America to fail. It's because they “feel their way through life,” said Rush. They're so “emotionally invested” in Obama that when Rush attacked Obama, they felt as though he was attacking them personally. It's an interesting theory, to be sure, but it is ultimately undermined by the fact that Rush “hope[d]” that Obama's economic policies “prolong[] the recession.” Regardless, Rush went on in this vein for some time, claiming that Obama's supporters on “the left” are akin to prisoners in the Gulag, who, as described by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, cried when they learned that Stalin had died.

Closing out the hour, Rush claimed that too many Americans play in the arena of emotions, not ideas, and Obama plays on this dynamic because his ideas “are not America's.” That is why Obama -- and, again, Bill Ayers, for some reason -- have to keep their supporters uninformed, unlike listeners of The Rush Limbaugh Show, who, according to Rush, are very well-informed. “This is according to studies,” Rush said. We'd like to get a look at those studies...

After the break, Rush took a call from a man who was sick to his stomach seeing Obama “hobnobbing with tyrants.” Rush said this goes back to Obama's mentors. He aired audio of Obama at the Summit of the Americas responding to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's screed against America: “To move forward, we cannot let ourselves be prisoners of past disagreements. I'm grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old. Too often, an opportunity to build a fresh partnership of the Americas has been undermined by stale debates. We've all heard these arguments before.” This sounded to Rush like Obama was saying Ortega was right about America before Obama came along. In reality, Obama was rebuking Ortega for dredging up the ancient history of U.S. involvement in Latin America. At least, that was the interpretation of those rabid leftists at Fox News: “Obama departed from his prepared remarks to mildly rebuke Ortega.”

Another break and Rush came back to the bank bailouts and the equity share proposal, claiming that it is “interesting” that Obama was talking about “nationalizing” the banks just after “palling around” with Chavez and Ortega. Rush claimed that the administration will spin this proposal to the “emotionally attached nimrods” who support him. Rush said that this isn't what people meant when they said they're tired of bailouts.

Then Rush took a call from a man who called in last week on tax day to express his confusion as to what the tea parties were all about. The man said he went to a tea party and now he sees the light regarding Obama and all the government spending he's planning. Rush was thrilled at this and again returned to Ortega, asking what else can you take away from Obama thanking Ortega for not blaming him for things that occurred when he was three months old. This, according to Rush, makes it abundantly clear that everything Obama does is all about Obama, not the U.S. As we mentioned above, Obama was REBUKING Ortega for his anti-American screed.

After the final break, Rush thanked his audience for generously donating to his blood cancer drive last week, claiming that “records were set during the Obama recession.” We still don't understand why political attacks have to be incorporated into charity work.

Highlights from Hour 2

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: Obama, Barack Obama, President Barack Obama treats brutal dictators better than he speaks to, or of, many of his own countrymen who disagree with him. In fact, Barack Obama warned Republican members of Congress you're not supposed to listen to me. And he told the American people you're not supposed to listen to people like Rush Limbaugh, but we've got a lot to learn from Hugo Chavez.


LIMBAUGH: I guess the United Auto Workers are going to end up, not only on the board of General Motors, the United Auto Workers may end up on the board of directors of some of these banks. Now, at this point, for somebody to say that they hope Obama succeeds -- knowing full well what his domestic and foreign policy is and the people he embraces and rejects -- it's irresponsible to now say you hope Obama succeeds.

The only people who can say that they want Obama to succeed are either committed leftists, who are dead-set on dismantling the United States and their free markets, individual rights, American exceptionalism, so emotionally invested in Obama they can't admit they were wrong, or a combination of the two.


LIMBAUGH: You know, Alexander Solzhenitsyn said that when he was in the Soviet Gulag -- I mean, this is what we're up against. This is -- the kind of people that Solzhenitsyn described in the Gulag are identical to the people we're up against here who have this emotional attachment to Obama.

When he was in the Gulag, Solzhenitsyn said that his fellow prisoners cried when the death of Stalin was announced. Stalin had put them there. Stalin had put them in prison. Stalin had imprisoned them and killed millions of them. Those who were alive in prison cried when Stalin died.

It's like Victor from Boca Raton said last week, Stalin didn't know all these bad things were going on, just like these people with the emotional attachment to Obama. Obama doesn't know. He can't possibly know what Janet Napolitano did with that Department of Homeland Securities briefing. He can't possibly know.

So, the people imprisoned by Stalin who cried when he was in prison -- when he was -- when he died are the same kind of people we're dealing here with Obama. These people react in personal rage and anger when I say I hope Obama fails, because their emotional link to Obama tells them that I want them to fail, too, which is just the exact opposite.


LIMBAUGH: Lots of people are emailing and wanted to know the outcome of the Leukemia Lymphoma Society cure-a-thon last Friday. I've got some numbers, but they're not all in yet. There's still a lot of donating going on and a lot of registering at RushLimbaugh.com, but suffice to say, records were set during the Obama recession. The total donors, as of this morning, were up over 45 percent.

Clips from this hour

Limbaugh: “It's irresponsible to now say you hope Obama succeeds”

Limbaugh: Obama's “ideas are not America's”

Limbaugh: “So the people imprisoned by Stalin who cried when he died are the same kind of people we're dealing here with Obama”