Hour 3: Limbaugh Calls Sotomayor An “Idiot”

This hour of the Limbaugh Wire brought to you by Contessa Brewer, MSNBC's “most qualified jock”
By Greg Lewis

The final hour of this week's last Limbaugh-hosted Rush Limbaugh Show began much like the second -- with more about Sonia Sotomayor's “butchering” of the English language. After reminding the audience by playing her not-particularly-egregious mispronunciations for a third time, Rush again said that if the nominee were Republican, the media would be all over it.

Shifting back to health care, Rush referred to an AP article about how the House bill would make health care a right, and highlighted a Hot Air blog post by Ed Morrissey contesting this assertion. Rush then went on to explain his interpretation of rights in the Declaration of Independence. “You can't take these away. Rights can't be taken away: life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,” he said. But, apparently, in Rush's mind, Democrats don't believe in these rights:

LIMBAUGH: Democrats oppose all three of those, by the way, right now. Democrats are miserable. They don't want anybody pursuing happiness. They're trying to destroy that. Liberty? That's under assault; and life, of course, is, too. So, a right, as we all know, has one key characteristic: It can't be taken away ever. That's exactly what the Democrat-sponsored bill on health care would ensure.

Rush must have felt like he wanted to give us a break, because he then went on to talk at length about the golfing trip he took last week. Luckily for us, and all of you, we don't feel compelled to recap.

After the break, “Open Line Friday!” on Thursday marched on, with a caller asking Rush where the “white males” who are offended by Sotomayor's comments are. Rush said he's more amused than offended by Sotomayor's “wise Latina” comment, and what anger he feels stems from what that statement says about Sotomayor and how she views this country. Rush doesn't take it personally -- “she's the idiot.”

After a quick plug for Heritage, Rush took another caller, who compared Sotomayor to Trent Lott. Rush said that, according to Jesse Jackson, minorities can't be racist because they don't have power to act upon their racism. This will never stop, said Rush, because minorities will never proclaim that the field has been leveled.

Then it was on to Vice President Biden's latest "gaffe." Apparently in his speech today, Biden told the audience to “look around you” for evidence that Obama's economic plans have worked. Rush didn't really explain how this was a gaffe, but Drudge is flagging the story, so we guess Rush was just taking cues from his program director.

Rush returned from another commercial time-out to flag a heated exchange between Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and the chair of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Rush “translated” what was going on: Boxer was stunned because she's not used to people calling her a racist. Then Rush noted recent layoffs at Cisco and Harley Davidson as a riposte to Biden's claim that the stimulus is working.

Rush went on to talk baseball, going on for several minutes about Hall of Famer Stan Musial being ignored during the All-Star pregame ceremonies, peppering the tale with some Dizzy Dean anecdotes. The baseball discussion of course led Rush back to Obama's "girly throw" at the All-Star Game and the media's coverage of it. Rush said that it was only after he had the “temerity” to ask why Obama “got booed” that the media -- like CNN's Campbell Brown -- have started questioning it. He then played a clip from MSNBC, in which its “most qualified jock,” Contessa Brewer, defended the president and the ability of girls to throw in general. Rush had one more thing to say about the throwing abilities of women after the final break:

LIMBAUGH: This business about, “have I ever seen a girl throw?” Can I tell you how many vases have been thrown at me? I've seen it I don't know how many times.

El Rushbo went on to air audio of “liberal” Mort Zuckerman and Arthur Laffer from The Kudlow Report earlier this week. Rush said it is beginning to dawn on Zuckerman that Obama is not creating jobs. Meanwhile, Laffer explained that we have spent or printed the equivalent of a year and a half of federal tax revenue, so we should just return it to the people as a tax break instead of spending it. Rush added that anybody with “any sanity or a modicum of education” knows that every aspect of Obama's economic plan is a “designed disaster,” comparing it to the “controlled crash” that an incapacitated airplane might go through.

That concludes Rush's involvement in this week's programming. And as it concerns Mark Davis filling in tomorrow, all we can say is: at least it's not Mark Steyn. Why do we hold that opinion? Well, the Limbaugh Wire archives hold the answer to that question, as well as the answers to many of life's Limbaugh mysteries. Go check 'em out when you get a chance.

Simon Maloy, Zachary Pleat, and Ariana Probinsky contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.

Highlights from Hour 3

Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: A right, as we all know, has one key characteristic. This is what is so brilliant and unique about our founding documents. The Declaration of Independence: “We're all endowed by our Creator” -- not our government; not our family -- “We're endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.” You can't take these away. Rights can't be taken away: life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.

Democrats oppose all three of those, by the way, right now. Democrats are miserable. They don't want anybody pursuing happiness. They're trying to destroy that. Liberty? That's under assault; and life, of course, is, too. So, a right, as we all know, has one key characteristic: It can't be taken away ever. That's exactly what the Democrat-sponsored bill on health care would ensure.

Ladies' man

LIMBAUGH: This business about, “have I ever seen a girl throw?” Can I tell you how many vases have been thrown at me? I've seen it I don't know how many times.