By Mike Burns
Rush Limbaugh began today's show by theorizing that LeBron James' decision to join the Miami Heat was motivated, in part, by lower tax rates in Florida than in New York City. He also spent an excruciating amount of time railing against the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) for threatening to sue McDonald's if it continues using toys to market to children. Rush smeared the health group as a “wacko bunch of leftist kooks” who are “no different than your crazy aunt in the basement.”
A good portion of the second hour was devoted to attacking President Obama (no surprise there). After claiming that Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services head Donald Berwick “openly advocates health care rationing,” Rush stated that Obama decided to recess-appoint Berwick to prevent “more controversy about Obamacare.” Rush also said (again) that Obama is “redistributing the wealth of this country” and “happily presiding over the decline of the United States.” He then accused Obama of “populat[ing] his administration with like-minded zombies, cut-outs, rubber stamps” and of pushing for amnesty for undocumented immigrants because it “is the largest voter registration drive we've ever had in this country.” Rush added that Obama is “sell[ing] the country and a particular state down the river in order to secure a voting bloc.”
Rush continued his amnesty rant during the third hour of the show, and even criticized Ronald Reagan to bolster his position that comprehensive immigration reform “makes” no “sense.” Speaking on the immigration legislation in 1986, Rush said that “Reagan's amnesty was a disaster.”
Here are some highlights from today's show:
Limbaugh: Berwick is an “open advocate of rationing, which is shorthand for death panels”
Limbaugh: Obama “destroy[ed] the economy,” “squander[ed] a trillion dollars” “on purpose”
Limbaugh on immigration legislation in 1986: “Reagan's amnesty was a disaster”