By Fae Jencks
On today's edition of The Rush Limbaugh Show, Rush spent most of his time criticizing the media. He began by claiming that President Obama has been using the controversy surrounding Gen. Stanley McChrystal to “distract from all the negative economic news.” He continued by deriding media figures who compared Obama to President Truman, claiming that they are doing everything they can to elevate Obama's status. Limbaugh further blasted the media by suggesting that they don't support “liberty,” “the Constitution,” or “American exceptionalism.”
Limbaugh also spent a significant amount of time responding to criticism from Rep. Jim McDermott, who had called Limbaugh's “dumpster diving” comments “shameless and callous.” Limbaugh said McDermott “and people like him” are “driving us” toward being a “soup kitchen nation.” Limbaugh also responded to Chris Matthews' attempts to find a Republican willing to denounce Rush by cheering on Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, who did not condemn Limbaugh, and used the Limbaugh's own terminology in referring to the BP escrow account as a “slush fund.”
Limbaugh switched gears when Obama announced he would be replacing McChrystal as commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan with Gen. David Petraeus. Rush referred to Obama as “our man-child president” and claimed that the whole thing is a “circus, all to project the supposed political acumen and leadership” of Obama. He further criticized the selection of Petraeus by highlighting Obama's previous criticism of the general, and Rush falsely claimed that as a senator, Obama did not vote to condemn's “Betray-Us” ad. Rush concluded by blaming Obama for BP taking the cap off of the Gulf oil leak, and suggested that “the moment President Obama took his focus off the leak in the Gulf ... BP took the cap off the hole.”
Highlights from today's show:
Limbaugh: Obama using McChrystal issue “to distract from all the negative economic news”
Limbaugh reacts to congressional criticism: “Dumpster dive” for food “is a leftist idea”
Limbaugh: “Go, go, go,” cheers on Rep. Steve Scalise for not condemning him on Hardball
Limbaugh falsely claims “Obama did not vote to condemn the Betrayus ad”