From the October 20 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
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LIMBAUGH: So you want to talk a little foreign money in American politics? George Soros has admitted to donating $1 million to Media Matters for America, which is a -- they call it a media, left-wing media watchdog. It's not that. It's a, it's a bunch of propagandists. And Soros, a foreigner, has admitted it, donates $1 million to Media Matters. Now it's stuff like that, stuff like that that is going to generate even more turnout on election day. We need a surge. We need a surge even above and beyond what we already think is going to happen. We need to make November 2nd Obama's Katrina. November 2nd needs to be a tea-nami. And with stuff like this Soros business and everything that's going to happen, all these dirty tricks that are going to happen between now and election day, that's going to -- it's not going to suppress turnout, it is going to ratchet it up. Obama's Katrina. A tea-nami. On November the tooth. [sic]