Limbaugh: “The last place you want to be is between a liberal who gets herself pregnant and a morning-after pill”

Commenting on a Massachusetts lawsuit filed against Wal-Mart over its refusal to stock emergency contraception pills, Rush Limbaugh said that “the most dangerous place you can be is between a liberal woman and her morning-after pill.”


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Commenting on a Massachusetts lawsuit filed against Wal-Mart over its refusal to stock emergency contraception pills, nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh told listeners on February 2 that “the most dangerous place you can be is between a liberal woman and her morning-after pill,” later repeating that "[t]he last place you want to be is between a liberal who gets herself pregnant and a morning-after pill." After reading portions of a February 2 Associated Press article detailing the lawsuit, Limbaugh said, “I think these babes ought to first prove that they've had sex with a man,” explaining, “I mean, that's in Boston.” He added: “For crying out loud, let's make them prove that they've first had sex with a man, and then we'll talk about stocking the morning-after pill at Wal-Mart.”

From the February 2 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: Wal-Mart has been sued for not selling something this time. For not selling something. You know, the most dangerous place you can be is between a liberal woman and her morning-after pill. I mean, you don't -- that's a more dangerous place to be than between [Sen.] Chuck Schumer [D-NY] and a television camera. You don't want, you -- when a liberal woman gets pregnant, you do not want to be anywhere near her morning-after pill.


LIMBAUGH: Three Massachusetts women -- ha-ha-ha. Gotta be quick here, folks. Three Massachusetts women backed by pro-abortion groups sued Wal-Mart yesterday, saying that the retail giant violated a state regulation by failing to stock emergency contraception pills in its pharmacies. The suit, filed in Suffolk Superior Court -- this is in Boston -- seeks a court order compelling the company to stock the so-called “morning-after pill” in its 44 Wal-Marts and four Sam's Club stores in -- would you people make up your minds? You either want to put these stores out of business and get rid of them, or you want them to sell what you want. I'm telling -- Snerdley, you probably know this. The last place you want to be is between a liberal who gets herself pregnant and a morning-after pill. You wouldn't know about that from experience? Well, I'm just -- I think these babes ought to first prove that they've had sex with a man. You know, that -- I mean, that's in Boston. For crying out loud, let's make them prove that they've first had sex with a man, and then we'll talk about stocking the morning-after pill at Wal-Mart. But I'm telling -- absolutely insane. They want to put this outfit out of business, and now they want to storm the place for their morning-after pills. Folks, don't get between a liberal and her morning-after pill. Just do not do it.